Tag Archives: shamed-yet-she

Porn Hating Pamela Anderson for Dazed 25th Anniversary of the Day

Pamela Anderson is on a fight against porn, because I guess she’s too old to do porn, even though you’re never too old to do porn, because there is always a pervert willing to jerk off to an old lady, especially when that old lady is Pam Anderson…the Kim Kardashian of her generation…who made a lot of money of stupid tits, fake face and hair, but also from her own porno…where her husband stuck it to her on a houseboat like a classy white trash person she is… But now, she’s older, less sexualized, but still sexualizing herself, it’s all she knows…and I guess figures taking the feminist approach to porn, celebrating a woman’s choice or that she get paid more to be in porn, without factoring her own porn experience, or Playboy experience, or really that she was jerk off material for a generation of men…isn’t really what she’s about… She thinks porn is ruining the sex life and lives of millions of kids…and men…and people because it is addictive…despite having built a career off the same dopamine release people watching porn today get…it was pre-internet – we were easy… So for what must have been a generation long…people jerked off to her because she was porn…and now kids accessing porn are jerking off to weridness that makes them think big dick anal is the default sex position…and gangbang triple penetration in one hole is what you do on weekends…forgetting the romance…that Pam Anderson sold so well in her personal brand…that she probably feels she inspired in her porn…so much because it was her Honeymoon dammit…and there is no honeymoon without romance.. Well…she’s in a magazine… The post Porn Hating Pamela Anderson for Dazed 25th Anniversary of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Porn Hating Pamela Anderson for Dazed 25th Anniversary of the Day

Fat Advocate Fat Chick Fat Ashley Graham Photoshopped for her Scam of the Day

Hilarious…bitch complains about being loved for being fat…and not body shamed yet she photoshops herself..what the fact is that lie..oh right…a fucking lie…because ultimately, she’s just found an angle to get known and make money. This is the most NSFW thing I’ve ever posted and I’ve posted some shit over the years…but I find nothing more disgusting…that a fat chick who thinks she’s not fat…and preaches to the rest of the world instead of getting fucking fit and stopping fucking eating bullshit food that made her fat…because it’s not genetics…it’s being a fucking slacker, so much so that you fight for fat rights for fat people who are also fucking lazy and good at making excuses to jump on board and be fat with you – or feel good about eating that extra piece of cake… Fat people shouldn’t be celebrated, unless they are doing comedy, or fetish porn. They shouldn’t be marketed as ok…it is a threat to the nation…of kids who are already getting 20% of their daily required exercise…according to a recent study…kids under 5 are getting 20% of daily exercise…so the last thing we need getting naked and trying to manipulate us into think it’s ok…is a fat bitch.. That said, I’d totally jerk off on those monster tits at 3 am when drunk…like every man she’s ever been with…who wasn’t too pussy whipped to stick around…these loud ones are hard to fight off…they just need to sit on you and you can’t really work your way out of it… The post Fat Advocate Fat Chick Fat Ashley Graham Photoshopped for her Scam of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Fat Advocate Fat Chick Fat Ashley Graham Photoshopped for her Scam of the Day