Tag Archives: shaped-weather

Jimmy Kimmel Presents… Weather Patterns That Look Like Penises!

Jimmy Kimmel likes to mock the weather in Los Angeles, especially when reporters FREAK OUT OVER THE RAIN . On last night’s edition of Jimmy Kimmel, however, the host prepared viewers for a forecast of sun, clouds and a definitely chance of.. male genitalia?!? “There’s actually someone at this show whose job it is to keep track of penis-shaped weather patterns,” Kimmel told the audience. “His parents are very, very proud.” Kimmel then aired clips from Good Morning America and KCAL, among other shows and stations, which depicted meteorologists drawing penis-like shapes on their weather maps. Why? Because penises are funny! Jimmy Kimmel Tracks Penis-Shaped Weather Patterns In other sexual snafu news, a CBS station unintentionally linked to a porn site in a tweet last week while reminding viewers to “use our interactive radar to track the rain and storms. Really, that happened.  Two photo galleries feel relevant in regard to Kimmel’s awesome segment. On one, celebrities send photos of their junk to people who don’t want it… 7 Stars Who Have Sent Photos of Their Penis 1. Brett Favre Brett Favre didn’t just send another woman a photo of his penis in 2010. He did so while married… and the other woman was an employee of the team for whom he played. … in the other, we simply live at Jimmy Kimmel Live skits and sketches: 37 Jimmy Kimmel Live Moments That Crack Our Funny Bone 1. Lie Witness News: Barack Obama Birthday Edition! Jimmy Kimmel Live makes up stories about Barack Obama for this edition of Lie Witness News. And everyone believes the lies!

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Jimmy Kimmel Presents… Weather Patterns That Look Like Penises!