Tag Archives: shark-photo

To Determined Young Social Innovators, the Highest Tech Is Low

Mention social good to generation Y — or other generations for that matter — and the focus easily turns to high tech innovation. It’s an angle emphasized by big events like TED , which emit a steady feed of technology-heavy ideas. Take the recent Rolex Young Laureates Program , the watch company’s newly-inaugurated register of some of the most promising projects making a difference in the world. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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To Determined Young Social Innovators, the Highest Tech Is Low

At Least 1.3 Million Sharks Were Killed by Industrial Fishing in 2008

A little photoshop fun! Photo: egarc2 , Flickr, CC Many of Them From Endangered Species According to a new report by Oceana , an important ocean conservation organization, more than 1.3 million highly migratory sharks were caught in the Atlantic Ocean during 2008, without international fisheries management. The actual number is probably significantly higher than that, but many countries aren’t reporting shark catches or underreporting them, so it’s hard to know exactly how bad the… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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At Least 1.3 Million Sharks Were Killed by Industrial Fishing in 2008