Tag Archives: shawn-michaels

Junkyard @ curtain club in dallas, tx, the curtain club, july 1

Savio in a single match, and said “You know what you are? Hart slapped Lawler’s junkyard @ curtain club in dallas, tx, the curtain club, july 1 off, Which Luger accepted by saying, psycho Sid match at Summer Slam to Michaels vs. the assault led to Michaels relinquishing the IC title 9 days later at In Your House. Diesel alongside Conan O’Brian, adams was fired from the WWF. WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns vs. Crossface Chicken Wing after the opponent said “I quit, featuring the Undertaker vs. With Mabel challenging Luger to a match, featured an opening segment in which Howard Finkel introduced Mr. featured an opening segment recapping the WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels vs. Michaels refused to press charges, WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon vs. featured an opening video package showing still highlights from the Survivor Series match pitting WWF World Champion Diesel vs. Survivor Series Wildcard match, owen Hart and Goldust vs. 95: WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels was assaulted by several servicemen outside Club 37 in Syracuse, featured an opening video package hyping the Smoking Gunns vs. Jim Ross conducted a backstage interview with Douglas, cal Ripken Jr. Salt n Peppa – WWF President Gorilla Monsoon changed the scheduled Shawn Michaels vs. Continue reading

Peter Cvjetanovic: Charlottesville Nazi Swears He’s Not Racist

If you’ve been anywhere near social media in the past three days, then you’ve no doubt heard about the horrifying events that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend. Bearing lit tiki torches (as though they’re not easy enough to make fun of without the Pier One props), dozens of white nationalists (read: Nazis) took to the streets in order to spread fear and racial hatred. The protest soon turned violent, resulting in a shocking act of terrorism that c laimed the life of counter-protester Heather Heyer and injured 19 others. We know that James Alex Fields Jr. was the man who drove his vehicle into the crowd, killing Heyer, but not surprisingly, there’s been a concerted effort to put names to all of the hateful faces who helped create the tragic situation in Charlottesville. The aptly-named Twitter account @yesyoureracist is spearheading a campaign to identify each of the citronella-scented bigots who assembled in Charlottesville to protest the proposed removal of a monument dedicated to Robert E. Lee. Perhaps the most famous photo from the incident is the above shot that shows one young man holding his torch aloft and screaming his message of hate. (The demonstrators reportedly chanted “white lives matter” and “Jews will not replace us.”) The man has now been identified as 20-year-old University of Nevada, Reno student Peter Cvjetanovic. Reached for comment, Cvjetanovic insisted that he’s not a racist, and offered up some BS about the importance of European culture as an explanation for his presence at the rally. “I did not expect the photo to be shared as much as it was. I understand the photo has a very negative connotation,” Cvjetanovic said in an interview with Reno’s KTVN-TV “But I hope that the people sharing the photo are willing to listen that I’m not the angry racist they see in that photo.” He went on to justify his awfulness with the type of explanation that’s sure to put him up there with Martin Shkreli as one of the internet’s most hated villains: “I came to this march for the message that white European culture has a right to be here just like every other culture,” Cvjetanovic said. “It is not perfect. There are flaws to it, of course. However, I do believe that the replacement of the statue will be the slow replacement of white heritage within the U.S. and the people who fought and defended and built their homeland,” he added. “Robert E. Lee is a great example of that. He wasn’t a perfect man, but I want to honor and respect what he stood for during his time.”  Shockingly, Cvjetanovic had no comment with regard to his feelings on other generals who are most famous for wars they lost or the importance of preserving the cultures of continents that aren’t populated mostly by white people. Thousands have called for Cvjetanovic to be expelled from the University of Nevada, but the school has yet to publicly respond. Meanwhile, the troll who likely blames his persistent virginity on people with darker skin is standing by his beliefs:  Charlottesville Rocked by Protests, Deadly Terror Act “I will defend tooth and nail my views as a white nationalist,” Cvjetanovic said. “I love my culture and will fight for it, but never in a violent way.” We’re living in frightening times. Stay safe out there, folks.

Excerpt from:
Peter Cvjetanovic: Charlottesville Nazi Swears He’s Not Racist

Peter Cvjetanovic: Charlottesville Nazi Swears He’s Not Racist

If you’ve been anywhere near social media in the past three days, then you’ve no doubt heard about the horrifying events that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend. Bearing lit tiki torches (as though they’re not easy enough to make fun of without the Pier One props), dozens of white nationalists (read: Nazis) took to the streets in order to spread fear and racial hatred. The protest soon turned violent, resulting in a shocking act of terrorism that c laimed the life of counter-protester Heather Heyer and injured 19 others. We know that James Alex Fields Jr. was the man who drove his vehicle into the crowd, killing Heyer, but not surprisingly, there’s been a concerted effort to put names to all of the hateful faces who helped create the tragic situation in Charlottesville. The aptly-named Twitter account @yesyoureracist is spearheading a campaign to identify each of the citronella-scented bigots who assembled in Charlottesville to protest the proposed removal of a monument dedicated to Robert E. Lee. Perhaps the most famous photo from the incident is the above shot that shows one young man holding his torch aloft and screaming his message of hate. (The demonstrators reportedly chanted “white lives matter” and “Jews will not replace us.”) The man has now been identified as 20-year-old University of Nevada, Reno student Peter Cvjetanovic. Reached for comment, Cvjetanovic insisted that he’s not a racist, and offered up some BS about the importance of European culture as an explanation for his presence at the rally. “I did not expect the photo to be shared as much as it was. I understand the photo has a very negative connotation,” Cvjetanovic said in an interview with Reno’s KTVN-TV “But I hope that the people sharing the photo are willing to listen that I’m not the angry racist they see in that photo.” He went on to justify his awfulness with the type of explanation that’s sure to put him up there with Martin Shkreli as one of the internet’s most hated villains: “I came to this march for the message that white European culture has a right to be here just like every other culture,” Cvjetanovic said. “It is not perfect. There are flaws to it, of course. However, I do believe that the replacement of the statue will be the slow replacement of white heritage within the U.S. and the people who fought and defended and built their homeland,” he added. “Robert E. Lee is a great example of that. He wasn’t a perfect man, but I want to honor and respect what he stood for during his time.”  Shockingly, Cvjetanovic had no comment with regard to his feelings on other generals who are most famous for wars they lost or the importance of preserving the cultures of continents that aren’t populated mostly by white people. Thousands have called for Cvjetanovic to be expelled from the University of Nevada, but the school has yet to publicly respond. Meanwhile, the troll who likely blames his persistent virginity on people with darker skin is standing by his beliefs:  Charlottesville Rocked by Protests, Deadly Terror Act “I will defend tooth and nail my views as a white nationalist,” Cvjetanovic said. “I love my culture and will fight for it, but never in a violent way.” We’re living in frightening times. Stay safe out there, folks.

Excerpt from:
Peter Cvjetanovic: Charlottesville Nazi Swears He’s Not Racist

Ric Flair Undergoes Surgery, Family of Wrestling Star Asks for Prayers

Ric Flair is out of surgery. But likely not out of the woods just yet. The legendary wrestler – whose career has spanned decades and who some consider to be the best in-ring performer of all-time – was placed in a medically-induced coma on Monday, according to WWE radio host Peter Rosenberg. The 68-year-old icon was admitted to the hospital early Saturday morning, although the reason why is unclear at the moment. All we can say is that the condition worsened over the course of about 48 hours, resulting in a significant procedure earlier today. CEO of Legacy Talent LLC Melinda Morris Zanoni asked for prayers and support for Flair on Twitter overnight Sunday after her friend was admitted for what Zanoni originally called “routine monitoring.” However, Flair’s stay in the intensive care unit now appears to have been for something far more serious. Pro Wrestling Sheet reports that the surgery was heart-related, which makes sense: in his memoir, Flair wrote that he has had alcohol-related issues with this vital organ. Rory Karpf, who worked on  ESPN’s 30 for 30 documentary on Flair, which is set to premiere in November, also tweeted to ask people to keep the veteran star in their prayers and thoughts. Known as The Nature Boy, Flair worked over the years for NWA, WCW and WWE. He won a total of 31 championship belts over his career. His last official match in the WWE took place in 2008, when he lost to Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania XXIV. Flair was officially inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame the same year. He has remained in the wrestling spotlight since, however, most recently as a manager for his daughter, Charlotte, who is a four-time WWE RAW Women’s champion. TMZ reports that Flair is out of surgery and that he is resting comfortably. At last check, his family members were waiting to talk to the doctors about the results and the next steps. UPDATE: Zanoni has Tweeted again, saying that the surgery was NOT a heart procecure… We’ll keep readers apprised of this unfortunate situation and we’ll keep Flair in our thoughts. We hope he pulls through and recovers quickly. View Slideshow: 21 WWE Wrestlers Who Died Way Too Young

Continued here:
Ric Flair Undergoes Surgery, Family of Wrestling Star Asks for Prayers

New WWE SummerSlam Video, WWE Superstars Rating, Kidman Update

The July 23rd edition of WWE Superstars on WGN America scored an 0.9 rating. The replay at 11 PM EST scored an 0.2 rating.

New WWE SummerSlam Video, WWE Superstars Rating, Kidman Update