Tag Archives: she-expresses

Michael Lohan Denied Bail, Torn a New One By Judge

Michael Lohan’s hilarious arrest the other night earned him a 6-5 career lead over daughter Lindsay in number of entries in our celebrity mug shots gallery. It also got him his ass handed to him by a judge. Jailed twice in the past week, MiLo appeared in court Friday, making excuses about why he violated a restraining order barring him from contacting his ex. The judge was far from moved, given that Lohan took all of a few hours to break the rules the last time he was out on bail, so he was denied it this time . In a wheelchair after spraining his foot trying to flee the cops by jumping off a balcony (seriously), and handcuffed, Mike had his lawyer plead his case. Following testimony from ex-GF Kate Major about his incessant calling, harassment and alleged abuse of her, Lohan said he needed to be free because: Dr. Drew is expecting him at some TV shoot Lindsay Lohan’s next court hearing is coming up on Wednesday He’s got a celebrity boxing match with Tareq Salahi coming up Stunningly, the judge wasn’t moved and MiLo will be cooling his ass in a cell until further notice. He faces domestic violence charges and much more.

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Michael Lohan Denied Bail, Torn a New One By Judge

More Breaking Dawn Videos: All About Bella, Behind the Scenes

Another day, another major promotional effort by Breaking Dawn . Following a couple sneak peeks and a video that focuses on Taylor Lautner’s Jacob Black , Summit Entertainment has now come out two two more fun previews. The first is all about Bella Swan. Watch below as she expresses love for her father, immediately prior to getting married, and scroll down for a behind-the-scenes look at filming. And, remember, Breaking Dawn breaks out around the nation on November 18! Breaking Dawn Promo: The Life of Bella Swan Breaking Dawn: Behind the Scenes Look

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More Breaking Dawn Videos: All About Bella, Behind the Scenes