Tag Archives: shimmery-black

Coupled Up: Mariah Carey Flaunts Her Slimmy Trimmy Cakes With Boylike Boo Bryan In NYC

Splash News Mariah Carey And Bryan Tanaka Coupled Up Mariah Carey was seen out and about in NYC by paparazzi last night, shoulder to shoulder with her boyish boo, Bryan Tanaka. The two were headed to dinner honoring famed designer Karl Lagerfeld, draped in all black. Mariah rocked a shimmery black gown, with bedazzling belt around her waist. Her cakes are looking slimmy and trimmy. Are you feeling their coupled up get up??? More of Mariah’s solo get up after the flip.

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Coupled Up: Mariah Carey Flaunts Her Slimmy Trimmy Cakes With Boylike Boo Bryan In NYC