Tag Archives: shirt-on-yet

Karlie Kloss for Vogue of the Day

Karlie Kloss is the weirdo looking, freakishly tall Victoria’s Secret model, who is an actual model and supposed to be freakishly tall and weird looking…because historically that is what fashion models are…but for some reason Victoria’s Secret scooped her up, and I guess so did Taylor Swift…and here she is posing in lingerie with her long legs, you probably wouldn’t really like in person, because women who are double your size are scary. The good news for me is that I don’t leave my house, I don’t run in Karlie Kloss’ circles and even if I did, I wouldn’t like her, but she takes a good pic and that thigh high is pretty fucking erotic…if you’re into legs…which you aren’t, you amputee fucking weirdo.

The rest is here:
Karlie Kloss for Vogue of the Day

Leila Spilman for Purple of the Day

Leila Spilman is apparently some Colorado based model I think… who has done a lot of topless work before because being topless isn’t a big deal and once you do it once…your tits live…but more importantly, it usually leads to better gigs… What it comes down to is that she’s got a great fucking body…and who is now in some fashionable, snapshot series, in some ghetto hipster apartment shot by the main dude at Puprle Magazine, Brad Elterman …and I think I may be in love…but probably not…she’s just better to look at than my fat wife who hasn’t put a shirt on yet today…Thanks for that pig woman I share a bed with.

Read the rest here:
Leila Spilman for Purple of the Day

Leila Spilman for Purple of the Day

Leila Spilman is apparently some Colorado based model I think… who has done a lot of topless work before because being topless isn’t a big deal and once you do it once…your tits live…but more importantly, it usually leads to better gigs… What it comes down to is that she’s got a great fucking body…and who is now in some fashionable, snapshot series, in some ghetto hipster apartment shot by the main dude at Puprle Magazine, Brad Elterman …and I think I may be in love…but probably not…she’s just better to look at than my fat wife who hasn’t put a shirt on yet today…Thanks for that pig woman I share a bed with.

Here is the original post:
Leila Spilman for Purple of the Day