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Evel Dick Donato: OUT of Big Brother 13!

It’s been less than 48 hours since the Big Brother 13 premiere , and Evel Dick Donato is already out. Details are scarce, but apparently it’s for good. Dick, whose surprise return to the show he won five seasons ago shocked the new house guests, had to leave the CBS show for “personal reasons.” The network wouldn’t specify the exact reason, but CBS says “His departure will be addressed on the episode to be broadcast Wednesday, July 13.” Along with his estranged daughter Daniele, Dick was invited back to compete on BB13 this summer as one of three “dynamic duos” from past seasons. Daniele will continue to participate in the show, and thanks to Evel Dick’s departure (which really throws off the new format), was given a “golden key.” This guarantees that Daniele can not be eliminated in the next four weeks, in keeping with the somewhat confusing rules laid out in the premiere. The fallout from Dick’s exit – observed by some astute fans who noted his absence from the show’s online feeds – will surely be felt in the game. Whatever the reason, we’re sad he’s gone and wish him well. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Evel Dick Donato: OUT of Big Brother 13!