Tag Archives: shocking-if-she

Hipster Boobs by Paul Franco of the Day

With all these celebrity tit pics and their lawyers running after us to delete them off the internet – instead of just letting them live on the internet – even though they are going to forever be on the internet – because that’s is what the internet is – it never forgets… The real issue with these people is money. They are all money grubbers and they don’t care their nudes are out there, they love attention, they just want compensation for it – because their egos tell them their nudes are worth more than a normal girl’s nudes… Well, I’ll say that a normal girl’s boobs, are far more fun to look at…because they come with hope that they belong to a fun, easy going girl and not a vapid fame whore cunt who is all about money, fame and their ego….even if that’s what this model is all about, we’ll never know, but we do know that if she does get famous, she won’t be whining about tit pics existing – because they are just tits… Pics by PAUL FRANCO

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Hipster Boobs by Paul Franco of the Day

Sofia Vergara Lies for Shape Magazine of the Day

There are paparazzi pics floating around of Sofia Vergara leaving the Botox clinic, which would be more shocking if she didn’t look like she got Botox, or more importantly, if everyone didn’t get Botox. I’m talking there are 25 year old girls getting Botox, so for a 45 year old starlet who only got famous at 40 getting Botox, it almost makes sense. It’s all part of the lie that is Hollywood…. To perpetuate that lie, here are some pics of her for Shape Magazine that apparently hits news stands November 17…because I’ve been to the future and now I’m back to deliver these to you…because it’s important to stare at Shape pictures that have historically been the worst or most obvious photoshoppers. You know taking girls are rebuilding them into something that isn’t’ the middle aged, single mother, who fucked her way to a hit show thanks to the help of her drug running family from back home…because hollywood loves a few things…tits and coke..and she comes with both…while making you come… Good girl.

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Sofia Vergara Lies for Shape Magazine of the Day