Tag Archives: shook-the-globe

WATCH Celine Dion Pay Tribute to Paris Attack Victims

The 2015 American Music Awards were full of memorable performance. Justin Bieber closed the show by getting soaked by water from above . Alanis Morisstte and Demi Lovato teamed up for an intense duet of “You Oughta Know.” Selena Gomez got all sexy and slayed a rendition of “Same Old Love.” But Celine Dion put on the most emotional performance of all, this cannot be denied. The 47-year old French-Canadian brought tears to the eyes of most viewers by taking to the stage at the Microsoft Theater and giving a powerful performance of the classic Edith Piaf song “Hymne à L’Amour” in French. She did so, of course, as a tribute to the more than 130 people who died in the terrorist attacks in Paris this month; an event that shook a nation. An event that shook the globe, really. Dion sang with a live orchestra as photos from The City of Love flashed across the screen behind her. Several audience members broke down in tears at various points. The beloved, amazing singer was introduced by Oscar winner Jared Leto, who said made a moving introduction of his own. “Many of us here are the sons and daughters of immigrants,” he said, prior to mentioning Steve Jobs and President Barack Obama. “The entire world matters and peace is possible.” Emotional stuff, for sure. It's tragic this performance had to take, of course, but it's worth watching now that it has.

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WATCH Celine Dion Pay Tribute to Paris Attack Victims