Harvey Weinstein Lied About Sex With Gwyneth Paltrow Remember how Gweneth Paltrow broke her silence on how Horny Harvey Weinstein tried to get at her in a hotel room 20 years ago…but she rejected his advances and told her agents about the incident — who in turn told her to forget about it and hush? Well, it turns out that Harvey continued indirectly victimizing the actress for years afterward, name-dropping her in a ploy to get young actresses aspiring for the big time to drop their drawers. In a new interview, part of an expose by the New York Times , Paltrow reveals that other women have reached out to her saying that Harvey told them that he had sex with her, to provide an example of how much on night with him could skyrocket their careers. “He’s not the first person to lie about sleeping with someone, but he used the lie as an assault weapon.” Seeing as how he’s out here literally forcing women into relations, dragging this lie isn’t even a shock. Getty
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Harvey Weinstein Told Young Actresses He Smashed Gwyneth Paltrow To Convince Them His Peen Was A Good Career Move