Tag Archives: shots-because

Iggy Azalea Shows Off Weird Ass of the Day

Iggy Azalea is bullshit, but not as bullshit as her ass, an ass she’s posted to her social media to get that male attention she craves, otherwise she’d never have got the ass implants in the first place to milk to every black guy she could – especially those in the music industry who could help her get out there with her shitty rapping – before settling with pro athletes who I guess are rich and a better way to spend getting fucked from behind… She’s some fucking clown, but instead of a red nose and floppy shoes, she went with the ass…and she’s committed to it…like she’s committed to all the other lies about her. I’m not a fan of anything she’s done, ever. Just garbage but I’ll post her shameless butt shots because I bottom feed. The post Iggy Azalea Shows Off Weird Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Iggy Azalea Shows Off Weird Ass of the Day

Miley Cyrus’ Walk Of Shame?

This week we’ve had a whole lot of pictures of Miley Cyrus hanging out by the pool in her bikini, with some dude who’s not her fiancee. Scandalous. So here she is leaving the hotel in a man shirt. Uh oh. Obviously nothing is going on, engaged nineteen year old chicks don’t screw around on their fiancee right? Teenagers are so reliable. Anyhow, I’m posting these shots because she’s basically naked under there. Use your imagination.

Miranda Kerr’s Body Gets Better And Better

I had to post these pictures of supermodel Miranda Kerr in her silly baseball cap and shades because it’s kind of nice to see her not looking her best. I’m kidding, obviously I’m posting these shots because of her incredible supermodel breasts all pushed together and sexy in that little tank top. Amazing! What I wouldn’t give to motorboat those things. I also thought I’d throw in a shot of her movie star boyfriend giving her a hug as he picks her up just to really make us all feel terrible about our lives. Thanks douchebag.