Tag Archives: should-ideally

Donald Trump: Arnold Schwarzenegger Didn’t Quit, He Was FIRED!

So at this point, it’s probably safe to say that Donald Trump is the pettiest president of all time, right? Like, it’s hard to imagine any of those other 44 men getting into social media fights with The Terminator. But times have changed, and now we’re living in a time in which the actual president of the United States feels the need to log onto Twitter and express his hurt feelings. It’s strange, it’s uncomfortable, but here we are. Trump’s feud with Arnold Schwarzenegger started back in September when it was announced that Arnold would take over Trump’s position as host of The Apprentice . Arnold’s season premiered in January, and there was a big drop in ratings — 4.9 million viewers compared to 6.8 million viewers that watched Trump’s last premiere. At the time, Trump tweeted “Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got ‘swamped’ (or destroyed) by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT.” Yes, he seriously referred to himself as “the ratings machine.” Feel free to take a break to shake off all that embarrassment. “So much for being a movie star – and that was season 1 compared to season 14,” he added. “No compare him to my season 1. But who cares, he supported Kasich and Hillary.” You’d think that Trump would have been too busy with that presidency gig to worry so much about The Apprentice, but you have to realize that he’s still an executive producer for the show. (Hold on, it only gets more absurd from here on out.) Arnold fired back , telling Trump that he hopes he cares as much about being a good president as he does about ratings. He later criticized Trump for his ridiculous Muslim Ban, and for all the other terrible, terrifying decisions he’s made in these past two months. But finally, things got to be too much for Arnold, and he decided to step down as the host of The Apprentice. In a statement, he said that he loved working with the people on the show, and that he would love to continue working with them, but the show simply has too much “baggage.” “With Trump being involved in the show,” he explained, “people have a bad taste and don’t want to participate as a spectator or as a sponsor or in any other way support the show.” “It’s a very divisive period now, and I think this show got caught up in all that division.” So that’s totally fair — Arnold doesn’t want to get mixed up in any Donald Trump production when Donald Trump is very likely the most hated man in all of America right now. But you know Easy D couldn’t just let that lie. Trump got on Twitter this morning and wrote “Arnold Schwarzenegger isn’t voluntarily leaving the Apprentice, he was fired by his bad (pathetic) ratings, not by me. Sad end to a great show.” So Arnold was fired because the ratings were bad, huh? It wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that since the last season of the show premiered, people have learned so very, very many terrible things about Trump and may have wanted to distance themselves from a production he’s always been so closely involved with? View Slideshow: Donald Trump: Thousands of People Expressing Regret Over Voting for Him! Arnold’s already hit back, responding with “You should think about hiring a new joke writer and a fact checker.” Yep, this feud isn’t ending any time soon.

Donald Trump: Arnold Schwarzenegger Didn’t Quit, He Was FIRED!

Kailyn Lowry: Javi Marroquin Broke into My House!

Things aren't going so great between Teen Mom 2 stars Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin – have you heard about it by any chance?! They're officially divorced, and they have been for a good few months now, following his return from deployment with the Air Force last year. While they share a son and should ideally be able to be mature enough to raise him together, things just aren't working out that way.   They've fought and fought ever since Javi got back, and in the latest and perhaps most shocking turn of events, Kailyn Lowry is now pregnant. For the third time. By a third different guy. Javi has not exactly reacted well to the news, and as a result of his alleged behavior toward her,  Kailyn got a protective order against him . As Javi explained it: “I signed a consent PFA, which means there's no evidence of abuse. I just can't contact her unless it's in regards to Lincoln for a year.” He claims that the 24-year-old Kailyn's reason for getting the order was because she says he's been harassing her via texts . But in this sneak peek for the new episode of Teen Mom 2, it looks like she may have had another reason for the protective order. In this clip, she goes over to her other ex Jo Rivera's house, and he and his girlfriend Vee Torres ask her how things are going with Javi. Turns out things are not going well. At one point, she reveals that Javi Marroquin sneaked into her house through the basement. Weird, right? So weird that she says her son Isaac (with Rivera) told Javi, with whom he is very close, he wasn't supposed to be there. Jo gets upset, telling her that “If he's crazy enough to just f-cking walk in your house, what the f-ck else is he going to do?” We've yet to hear Javi's side of the story, but assuming there's any truth to this, from Jo's perspective, we'd be pissed too. Watch the dramatic scene below:

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Kailyn Lowry: Javi Marroquin Broke into My House!