Tag Archives: show-disrespect

Gawdamn Gawdamn! Bey Bey Hasn’t Even Worked That Bawwwwdy Out Since Birth Of Twinsies

Beyonce’s Snapback Body Isn’t Due To Workouts If we needed any more proof that Beyoncé “woke up like dis” friends are saying Beyonce’s one-month post-partum flat belly isn’t even the result of workouts. A source close to Beyoncé tells PEOPLE the mother of three hasn’t hit the gym in the month since delivering twins — despite the trim figure she showed off on Thursday and Friday. “Beyoncé hasn’t started to work out yet,” the source says. “She is all about recovering.” Insane right? But most folks who are focused on weight loss know that bodies are made in the kitchen, not the gym and weight loss is 80% diet. Are you impressed by Bey’s post baby snapback? Photo Credit: SplashNews

See the original post:
Gawdamn Gawdamn! Bey Bey Hasn’t Even Worked That Bawwwwdy Out Since Birth Of Twinsies

The Racists Syrup To Something: Black Woman Referred To As “Aunt Jemima” By Her Doctor

Getty Images A Doctor In Memphis Called His Black Patient “Aunt Jemima” And this dude got a PHD? Cuz he’s acting like a Pretty Huge D*** A woman in Memphis is filing a complaint against the state medical board after her doctor called her racially-charged names multiple times. Lexi Carter says she couldn’t believe that her dermatologist, Dr. James Turner, was calling her this, until he did it for a second time. Carter said, “he had a young girl — physician’s assistant trainee, a student — with him, and he looked at me and he goes, ‘Hi, Aunt Jemima.’” Here’s the kicker, the D-bag doctor even admitted to calling his patient this racially-charged reference, saying that it was all a misunderstanding. He issued this public apology: “Ms. Carter is one of our very dear patients and has been for years. She is one of many African American patients and I count it a privilege to be their doctor. Anything I said that tarnishes that image and my respect for her was a misspoken blunder on my part and was not intended to show disrespect for Ms. Carter. I am very sorry for that misunderstanding.” We don’t accept your apology, Dr. Turner. The fact that this man felt comfortable enough to repeatedly call poor Miss Carter “Aunt Jemima” multiple times is a travesty. Hopefully his “many African american patients” take their Black dollars somewhere else and stop supporting this horrible excuse for a professional.  

Read more from the original source:
The Racists Syrup To Something: Black Woman Referred To As “Aunt Jemima” By Her Doctor