Tag Archives: show-the-bits

Alexandra Breckenridge On Cable Standards & Practices: "You Can’t Show Nipple and Hoo-ha, Basically"

True Blood babe Alexandra Breckenridge is clearly reveling in her new role as a sexy maid on the FX series American Horror Story – so much so, in fact, that she told NBC Dallas that “It’s this overt sexuality that I’ve never had the opportunity to explore as an actor…[when] I read the script I about shit myself.” Woah there, Alex! But speaking of expelling bodily fluids, male fans of this supernaturally hot boob tube star will be slappy to know she may be leaving that maid’s uniform at home for a few episodes: “I’ve done nudity and it doesn’t bother me, doing it or seeing it,” she says. ” I potentially could be showing my ass several times. You can show back, you can show side – you just can’t show the bits. You just can’t show nipple and hoo-ha, basically.” Members can see Alexandra Breckenridge ‘s bits on our True Blood page, right here at MrSkin.com!

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Alexandra Breckenridge On Cable Standards & Practices: "You Can’t Show Nipple and Hoo-ha, Basically"