Tag Archives: showing-the-one

Kim Kardashian’s Big Ass Will Do Anything

Apparently Kim Kardashian will do absolutely anything to get her face on the internet, I guess she’s sick off all the ass pictures. Here she is at the grand opening of a restroom in New York City the other day, you heard me, a restroom. I guess if you’re going to get anyone to cut the ribbon for a crapper, might as well get someone who’s famous for her big fat ass.

Paris Hilton Shows Us Her Puppies

Technically the title to this post is a little off, Paris Hilton is not showing her puppies she’s just showing the one puppy, a Chihuahua to be precise. I see what’s going on here, you thought I was talking about her little sweater puppies. what a shame, you must be so disappointed, unless you like rats in dog suits. Anyhow, she’s looking pretty good in those tight jeans so I thought you guys would like them. Enjoy.