Tag Archives: silent-majority

Christmas Time Terror Rhetoric Right On Schedule

This is almost laughable. These supposed terror threats are in reality completely exaggerated scare tactics used to push the threat of non existent cave dwelling ninjas. Al Qaeda was created by our government to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, as admitted by multiple mainstream news outlets. Iraqi officials have claimed that captured insurgents have told them of a plan to commit suicide attacks in the United States and Europe. This has prompted government officials to contact state and local authorities about the threat and to remain vigilant and look for any suspicious activity. http://www.activistpost.com/2010/12/christmas-time-terror-rhetoric-right-on.html… added by: riverratt50

VIDEO: Police Arrest 131 Antiwar Protesters In Front Of White House

WASHINGTON — Hoping to spark the country's silent majority into action, 131 antiwar protesters got themselves arrested Thursday, in one of the larger acts of civil disobedience in front of the White House in some time. Carrying signs that frequently included question marks — “Peace on earth?” and “How is the war economy working for you?” — protesters organized by a Missouri-based veterans group marched up to the White House gates and refused to disperse, holding their ground for several hours on a snowy and blustery day. Among those arrested was Daniel Ellsberg, the Vietnam-era whistleblower who leaked the Pentagon Papers as an act of protest in 1971. Thursday's arrest was his 80th. All the arrests were appropriately peaceful although some protesters went limp, forcing police to carry them to the loaned Metrobuses waiting to take them to a booking facility. Only one protester actually attached himself to the gate with a bicycle lock. All were charged with failure to obey lawful order, a misdemeanor, said Park Police spokesman David Schlosser. More at the Link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/16/white-house-antiwar-protesters-arrest_n… added by: TomTucker