Tag Archives: since-movieline

Frankie Go Boom Teaser: Sons of Anarchy’s Charlie Hunnam Meets Ron Perlman As a Woman

The marketing noise at Comic-Con is always such a cacophony, it can be tough-to-impossible to get tiny movies noticed in the chaos unless they’ve got attention-grabbing hooks . Like, say, finding a thumb drive inside a condom that just happens to contain the first-look teaser at Ron Perlman as a transsexual named Phyllis greeting his Sons of Anarchy son Charlie Hunnam (both in town for this weekend’s Pacific Rim and SoA panels) and Bridemaids ‘ Chris O’Dowd with a big, fat kiss. Movieline’s got your first look at the indie comedy Frankie Go Boom ! Hunnam stars as Frankie, O’Dowd as his terrible brother Bruce, and Perlman as Bruce’s terrifying old ex-con acquaintance Phil, now a terrifying ex-con lady named Phyllis. Lizzy Caplan earned raves for her turn as Lassie, whose one-night stand with Frankie leads to complications… involving a sex tape… and, well, I’ll let the film’s synopsis do the explaining: 3,2,1 … Frankie go Boom follows Frank Bartlett (Charlie Hunnam) who has been tortured, embarrassed and humiliated by his brother Bruce (Chris O’Dowd) – usually on film – for his entire life. Now that Bruce is finally off drugs and has turned his life around, things should be different. They are not. 3,2,1 … Frankie go Boom is a comedy about two brothers a girl with a broken heart, a sex tape, an angel and a pig. Since Movieline was the first to debut Frankie Go Boom ‘s poster featuring Perlman as “Phyllis,” it’s fitting that we bring you this glimpse of his post-op vamping. Let Perlman’s ” HER , MOTHAF***A!” terrify you into addressing the trans community with cowering respect. (Fun fact: I’m told it was Hunnam who suggested his Sons of Anarchy father figure play the transgender Phyllis.) Frankie Go Boom (now titled 3,2,1… Frankie Go Boom ), written and directed by Jordan Roberts, will debut on VOD on September 10 with a theatrical release to follow October 12. As for you other would-be attention-grabbers here at Comic-Con: Good luck topping the visceral recoil followed by ” Oh thank God ” relief I experienced when I picked up the Frankie Go Boom viral “package” last night and realized what was (or wasn’t) inside… Read more from Comic-Con 2012. Follow Jen Yamato on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .

See original here:
Frankie Go Boom Teaser: Sons of Anarchy’s Charlie Hunnam Meets Ron Perlman As a Woman

Help Caption These Photos of Jesse Eisenberg Hang Gliding

If there was ever a perfect afternoon for a hang gliding lesson in Rio de Janeiro, it was today. At least that’s what new photos of Rio star Jesse Eisenberg suggest. The normally serious actor looks like he was having a ball learning valuable lessons of flight. Since Movieline HQ is in a “joining” mood this afternoon, let’s all throw on our best sporting helmet and glide through the jump to caption the hilarious/adorable full-size images.

See the original post here:
Help Caption These Photos of Jesse Eisenberg Hang Gliding