Tag Archives: since-the-ass

Susan Sarandon Tits at a Premiere of the Day

Susan Sarandon tits don’t remind me of the Rocky Horror Picture show, or her daughter who for a minute was topless on Californication before deciding it was time to get married to a rich guy and to live off her trust fund instead of working, why go on set to sit around all day when you can do what is important…and sit around in your house breeding… Susan Sarandon’s tits remind me of when I was a janitor at an old folks home and I’d feel up the Alzheimer’s patients, many times they were her age or younger, and always willing, and even if they weren’t I would just blame them for not knowing any better… I know it sounds creepy, but if they don’t remember it happeneing,is it really creepy, not to mention they seemed to like it…when they would wake up while I was doing it…it was charity… I guess what I am saying is that these tits are old..but still tits…a struggle anyone with a busty grandmother probably had to go through….are they hot, or are they terrifying. The struggle. Cannes! TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE If you’re not into that…then you’ll like other grandmas so here’s some JULIA ROBERTS FEET on the saem Red Carpet for the big old feet fetishists… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Susan Sarandon Tits at a Premiere of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Susan Sarandon Tits at a Premiere of the Day

Keri Russell’s Ass in The Americans of the Day

Keri Russell doesn’t excite she. She isn’t a dream to me …so seeing her naked isn’t exciting and I’d ignore it..especially since the ass may not even be hers…but probably is…since she’s always naked on this show, I’ve posted the clips before… But I remember Keri Russell before her carer went to shit and she booked this cable show to revamp her life… She was Felicity and had some of the weirdest fucking fans..real fucking virgins..people you’d want nothing to do with even if you were one of them but that would probably be due to your autism… Well those people, who are probably around 40 now…can take in the ass they always wanted, older but still attached to her. The post Keri Russell’s Ass in The Americans of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Keri Russell’s Ass in The Americans of the Day

Selena Gomez in a Bikini of the Day

I always confuse Selena Gomez and Kylie Jenner. They are both doughy characters who use waist training belts to morph their fat into an hourglass-like figure…they are both doughy faced characters who look like they’ve had slabs of mean stapled to their faces before their make-up artists airbrush them into a contour that makes it look like it’s part of their face…they are pretty much the fucking same…. One is a mexican Disney star exploited by their parents, the other a white girl turned ethnically obscure…I guess identity crisis’ are what the family is all about…you know when your dad has tits..and your mom is a money grubber demon…it’s hard to grow up with a soul.. Well, this one, Selena, the “popstar” one who will pretend she has talent and a purpose beyond being Bieber’s girlfriend put up a bikini pic…to show just how broken down her Chemotherapy body is….we call this the lupus steroid autoimmune bloat… The post Selena Gomez in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Selena Gomez in a Bikini of the Day

Nicki Minaj VS The World with Cameltoe Picture of the DAy

The best way to divert people’s attention from financing your brother’s defence against child rape – is to post a picture of your pussy exploding out of a pair of one size too small panties…because I guess they didn’t have the XXL she requires since the ass implants she invested in for her career… I remember a time when Nicki Minaj was a fat Lady Gaga…dressed like a clown and shit….before she decided to go the sex route…and now…this is what she’s come to…an attention seeking, like hog…reminding her fans she’s here… And I guess anything she does for attention that isn’t her annoying rapping is a good thing…. The post Nicki Minaj VS The World with Cameltoe Picture of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Nicki Minaj VS The World with Cameltoe Picture of the DAy