Tag Archives: singer-launched

Rihanna Slams Armani Body Double Rumors

Rihanna looks unbelievably sexy in new ads for Armani … so sexy that some tabloids just assumed she had a body double, which she angrily denies. The singer launched into an profane rant against UK celebrity gossip tabloid The Sun on her Twitter page, bashing it for asserting such a thing. “Ok @thesunnewspaper, this is the only way I could say this to you!!! F—K YOU AND yo baggy ass condom,” tweeted the 24-year-old star. Mental note made: This is NOT a Rihanna body double! Rihanna Armani Jeans Ad The commercial finds Rih rollin’ around in Armani undies, but the Sun claimed her breasts and arse actually belong to model Jahnassa Aicken. The Sun said Jahnassa signed a nondisclosure agreement and that she filled in while the singer filmed her “We Found Love” video in Northern Ireland. Infuriated, Rihanna tweeted , “Who is Jahnassa,” then pointedly, “Does she have a tat on her hand too??” Clearly there is no love lost between the two. Rihanna previously slammed the tabloid as “ass-hair” and “full of s—t” after it claimed she would scrap her U.K. festival gigs … good times.

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Rihanna Slams Armani Body Double Rumors

Sinead O’Connor Tweets For Psychiatric Help

Sinead O’Connor’s Tweets continue to defy comprehension. The oft-married Irish singer launched into a worrisome Twitter rant Wednesday, practically begging her followers for a referral to a Dublin psychiatrist, saying she was in desperate need of medication and in “serious danger.” What caused this sudden and disturbing downward spiral and plea for help? Continuing fallout and criticism from her maligned marriage to Barry Herridge . “Morning,” she said. “I realize i will be in trouble 4 doing this but ireland is a VERY hard place to find help in. So having tried all other ways 1st im asking does any1 know a psychiatrist in dublin or wicklow who could urgently see me today please?” “im really u-well…and in danger.” “The sindo article about them trying to lose barry his job and every1 being s–t to him 4 marrying me has spun me off and im ill and i desperately need to get back on meds.” “i am in serious danger.” “Please email me at iamwonderful@me.com if u know or are a psychiatrist who can help me today…dont tweet i b away from computer i broke ankle have to go to casualty…” “iamwonderful@me.com pls..can any psychiatrist see me today an get me back on meds an help me without me having to go hospital?” “Me dont wanna leave me kids. Or f–k up me work. Im sorry worring any1…is just am sick and Ireland s–t for finding help cant think of any other way.” Somebody in Ireland, please, email Sinead. And/or drive her to the hospital. Fast. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Sinead O’Connor Tweets For Psychiatric Help