UFC girls Brittany Palmer and Arianny Celeste, who thanks to the UFC are pretty famous, at least for dudes with Faux Hawks and cheesy as fuck t-shirts, who like to wrestle their friends as a past time, at least when they aren’t watching other dudes wrestle…making these girls the chicks thrown into a gang bang to make it not as gay as it clearly is, because gay is the last thing dudes into dudes rolling around all pressed up against each other, want to think about…because it would make the hard on they have too confusing for them… That said…Brittany Palmer and Arianny Celeste are body painted, something that would be hot if they didn’t have implants that act as an internal, built in bra…nipple covers and more importantly a thong… Meaning, body painting is a scam, these whores are still clothed….if there’s no labia it don’t matter.
Excerpt from:
Brittany Palmer and Arianny Celeste in Body Paint of the Day