Tag Archives: sleepless night

National Action Network’s From Demonstration to Legislation

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National Action Network’s From Demonstration to Legislation

Open Casting Call For ‘Sleepless Night’ Starring Jamie Foxx in Atlanta!

Open Casting Call For ‘Sleepless Night’ Starring Jamie Foxx in Atlanta! IF YOU ARE (OR KNOW) AN ASPIRING ACTOR/ACTRESS, THEN PLEASE READ ON!!! Casting directors…

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Open Casting Call For ‘Sleepless Night’ Starring Jamie Foxx in Atlanta!

I am 26 years old, married, have a 1 year old son and I love…

I am 26 years old, married, have a 1 year old son and I love Justin Bieber. My story isn’t very long or have anything really to do with Justin, but with his mother, Pattie! I had been having a sleepless night with my son. He had been running a high fever and just not feeling well. On nights like these, my laptop keeps me company and awake! I hopped on Twitter and had seen Pattie had sent a recent tweet, and I thought hmm, I wonder since it’s 1:30 AM on my end, if I send her a tweet if she would respond. So I sent out my first tweet: “@studiomama it’s 1:30 AM and I’m up with my sick 10 month old. Do you miss those days?” I waited a while and got no response, so I tried again: “@studiomama it’s 2:18 AM and I’m up with my very sick 10 month old. You miss those days?” And 4 minutes later I got a direct message from Pattie! She said: “Crazy as it sounds yes! Cherish it! It goes by so fast lol! Sending love!” Oh my gosh, I couldn’t express to my sick baby how much I was excited to have gotten a DM from Pattie and it was 2:30 in the morning and my husband was sleeping. I had to sit with all my excitement trapped inside of me haha. I tried to send a DM back but since Pattie doesn’t follow me, I couldn’t. The following tweet I sent in response to her DM and in response to all that crap going on about Justin being some girl’s baby’s daddy, it said: “@studiomama Thanks so much! You and @justinbieber have been in my prayers for all going on. God is good! #godbless.” While my story doesn’t deal with Justin, it deals with his amazing mother. I love them both for their hearts. So kind, generous and loving towards the fans! -@braebookster Originally posted here: I am 26 years old, married, have a 1 year old son and I love…

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I am 26 years old, married, have a 1 year old son and I love…

My name is Emily and one day, I was browsing my Facebook…

My name is Emily and one day, I was browsing my Facebook newsfeed when HMV posted a status saying, “MEET JUSTIN BIEBER THIS WEEKEND” . I stopped. I quickly clicked on the link and the HMV ticket website popped up. It read that 700 lucky fans could meet Justin Bieber this weekend at a “Secret London Location”. I screamed upstairs for my Mum to come down and enter her credit card details. I bought the following: a Meet & Greet With Justin Bieber, a Group Photograph with Justin & a signed copy of “First Step 2 Forever” Book. How much did this cost? £20. The BEST value for money EVER! I arrived at the “Secret Location” which was The Relentless Garage in London and there was a line of what seemed like millions of people. We joined the queue and began the long wait for Justin to arrive. The meet & greet was scheduled to start at 2pm but Justin was late and arrived at 5pm. As we weren’t in the first 250 people, we were let after they came out. All I could see were teenage girls in tears. Before I could work out if they were happy or sad tears, I was whisked into the building… I was about to MEET Justin Bieber. After waiting some more, our colour wristband was called and I joined the queue. It moved forward slowly and I saw Kenny, Justin’s security guard. I said hello but he was mainly interested in my poor little brother who had to come a long as he couldn’t be left home alone. It was my turn to meet Justin. Kenny told me to stand on Justin’s left hand side and I made my way over. Justin was just singing and dancing the radio. He is a NORMAL teenage boy! “Heeeyy Justin. I love you” “Awwwhh Heeeyyy!” Justin put his arm around me and makes me jump. I wasn’t expecting it. I remember thinking *JUSTIN HAS HIM ARM AROUND ME OMG* but I HAD to remain cool. Just for this picture. I put my arm round Justin and the photographer took our picture. “Thank You Justin.. Bye!!” “Thanks girls. Bye” And I went to pick up my signed book. 7 hours of queuing for 30 seconds with my idol. It was worth EVERY waiting moment. Thank you for reading My Bieber Experience! -@EmilyDukuDubzJB See more here: My name is Emily and one day, I was browsing my Facebook…

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My name is Emily and one day, I was browsing my Facebook…

Assessing the Hollywood Remake Potential of Five Fantastic Fest Films

I’m not a huge supporter of remaking great foreign films; the trend runs from enticing (Fincher’s Girl with the Dragon Tattoo ) to unnecessary ( Let Me In ). But because it’s inevitable that Hollywood will keep borrowing ideas from the outside world — and since the aptly named Fantastic Fest played host to so many of them over the past week — here are five international offerings I could see studios attempting to re-envision. Let’s just hope they don’t muck it up.

Here is the original post:
Assessing the Hollywood Remake Potential of Five Fantastic Fest Films