Tag Archives: giovanni-ribisi

Scientology Insiders Confirm Whether Or Not Will Smith Is A Member Of Their Hollyweird Religion

Scientology Insiders Discuss If Will Smith Is A Member Is Will Smith a Scientologist? Though Will has never spoken out and confirmed that he is a card-carrying member of the Church of Scientology , speculation has swirled for years that he was brought into the mysterious organization by fellow A-lister Tom Cruise in the early 2000’s and hasn’t looked back since. The link, it seems, originates from Smith’s well-known close friendship with Scientology’s poster-boy, Tom Cruise, and his very vocal defense against judging the Church’s teachings too harshly. As He told Access Hollywood back in 2007: “I was introduced to [Scientology] through Tom, and I’m a student of world religion. I was raised in a Baptist household and went to a Catholic school, but the ideas of the Bible are 98 percent the same ideas as Scientology; 98 percent the same ideas as Buddhism or Hinduism.” “How you gon’ not know nothing about Scientology and attack [Tom]? It’s dangerous, and it’s ignorant. How am I going to condemn someone for what they believe and I believe God was born from a pregnant virgin?” That statement sparked years of speculation that Will and his wife Jada , and of course their super-introspective offspring were all members of the Scientology flock. However, according to Mike Rinder a former senior executive for the Church of Scientology and Tony Ortega the “most knowledgeable Scientology-covering journalist,” that simply isn’t the case. While chatting with The Daily Beast , and asked bluntly if Will is a member of the religion, they both responded in unison: “Will Smith is not a Scientologist.” Ortega points to the fact that Will hasn’t been positioned as an ambassador for the cult religion as one of the major telltale signs: “There’s not that many celebrities in Scientology, and the young ones were born into it, and the other ones people cite—Cruise, Travolta, and Kirstie Alley—got into it in the ’70s and ’80s. They have not attracted a major star in 25 years. The only young Scientologists on the celebrity scene were all born into it. Beck was born into it. Giovanni Ribisi was born into it.” When asked why it seems that Scientology is a celebrity-exclusive religion, even though they claim there aren’t many celeb members Rinder says it’s because the church goes out of its way to attract them: “Scientology works to attract celebrities and has a Celebrity Center right in Hollywood designed to cater to them and give them special treatment—red carpet, secret entrances where you can sneak in and out—and the other part of it is that Scientology presents itself as a self-help religion. You learn and are indoctrinated into Scientology by the idea that you will improve things in your life.” Well there you have it! We guess that puts THAT rumor to rest. Now all they need is someone to come along and shut down those pesky “swinger” rumors that have been chasing Will & Jada for years…

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Scientology Insiders Confirm Whether Or Not Will Smith Is A Member Of Their Hollyweird Religion

Ryan Gosling’s ‘Gangster Squad’ Trailer: Five Key Scenes

Gosling reunites with Emma Stone in the star-studded, Tommy gun-packed clip. By Kevin P. Sullivan Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling in “Gangster Squad” Photo: Warner Bros. One of the fall’s most anticipated releases, ” Gangster Squad ,” packs an all-star cast, old-school vibe and a bunch of Tommy guns. Needless to say, we’re interested. The film from “Zombieland” director Ruben Fleischer just got its first trailer, so we’ve broken it down for you into these five keys scenes. “Every kingdom comes up bloody” A centerpiece of the trailer, it’s hard to miss Sean Penn even under all of that makeup. In “Gangster Squad,” Penn plays Mickey Cohen, an east coast gangster who has come to Los Angeles to become “a god.” Cohen is the ultimate evil that the Gangster Squad is going to stop at nothing to put out for good. The trailer gives lots of screen time to Penn, and when you also consider the prosthetics on his face, it’s not hard to imagine that Warner Bros. would make a Best Supporting Actor push for him come Oscar season. Mackie, Gosling and Pe

REVIEW: Mark Wahlberg Steers Contraband Safely into Port

Savvier and less cartoonish than those posters of Mark Wahlberg with stacks of cash taped to his famous torso might have you believe, Contraband  is a remake of the 2008 Icelandic smuggling thriller  Reykjavík-Rotterdam, directed by the original’s star, Baltasar Kormákur. The action’s been transported to New Orleans-Panama City, the goods upgraded from bootlegged liquor to counterfeit cash, and the whole enterprise daubed with some Hollywood gloss, but it’s still an obligingly tense, scruffy addition to the one-last-crime genre. Even for the now-retired “Lennon and McCartney of smuggling,” as a character declares Wahlberg’s Chris Farraday and his friend and former partner Sebastian Abney (Ben Foster), the gig is still about finding places to stash contraband while working on freighters, which no matter how it’s spun is going to be far down the ladder of bad-boy glamour. And despite betrayals, domestic dramas and escalating plot twists that land Chris in the middle of a Panamanian firefight with only a few minutes to get back to the vessel on which he came,  Contraband doesn’t short-change the analog ingenuity and group effort required to be a competent smuggler, making the film as much an interesting peek at shipping in the underbelly of the shipping world as one in which Wahlberg shoves a gun up Giovanni Ribisi’s nose. Chris is a second-generation smuggler whose father, Bud (William Lucking), is serving time for a job gone wrong. He’s married to Kate (Kate Beckinsale), they have two sons, and he’s gone straight by starting an apparently successful home security business while Sebastian attends AA meetings and is overseeing a construction job. (Aside from a few music choices and an opening wedding scene,  Contraband goes light on local color — probably for the better, given how very un-New Orleans the cast is.) Trouble re-enters the Farradays’ lives by way of Kate’s younger brother Andy (Caleb Landry Jones), who’s forced to dump the ten pounds of cocaine he’d brought with him when the ship he’s on is raided by customs. The drugs were meant for Tim Briggs (Ribisi, who seems to believe himself to be in a different, goofier movie than everyone else on screen), a thug who, in Chris and Sebastian’s absence, has moved up in the scene. Chris assumes Andy’s debts and takes the kid with him on one last run to Panama, where he’ll have to snake in large stacks of fake cash in order to pay off what’s owed and avoid getting into a war with Tim. Sebastian, meanwhile, keeps an eye on Kate and the kids, and begins to give off hints that he’s not as trustworthy as Chris believes. Wahlberg may not seem the tiniest bit Southern, but he’s always played a solid blue-collar action hero, and his Chris comes across as bluff and competent without seeming superheroic, at least in terms of his work — how he and his cohort stay alive through an insane robbery attempt with a Panama City tough guy (Diego Luna) is movie ludicrousness. The need for stability at home, to be around and stick up for one’s family, is the film’s guiding force — there’s never a question that Andy’s problem will become Chris’, but also that Chris will forgive him later for doing something reckless in order to protect Kate. The ship, with its array of old friends and allies on board (among them Lukas Haas, Lucky Johnson and Ólafur Darri Ólafsson) is its own kind of disreputable family, into which Chris easily slips while tweaking his nose at the captain (J.K. Simmons), who oversees things like a surly camp counselor who knows trouble is going on behind his back but can’t quite pin down who’s responsible. Contraband  layers on the tension as Chris tries to navigate complication on top of complication during the small window he has at port to secure his illicit cargo, get it on board and stow it away unnoticed, and making the situation worse is the addition of a new delivery of coke. (Chris’ aversion to importing drugs, on which he doesn’t elaborate, is one of a few spots in which the film feels like it’s unnecessarily soft-pedaling itself.) The digressions do allow for a cute conclusion which suggests the most valuable cargo is not always self-evident. While the action setpieces, including the aforementioned over-the-top heist shoot-out and a later race to save a character from an unpleasant end, are competently done; it’s actually the process and the pleasure with which Chris returns to it that remain in memory after the guns and ill-advised face tattoos fade. “I love it, but don’t tell your sister,” he scolds Andy after the boy catches him grinning when he, yes, untapes the cash from under his shirt, a man content with the life he’s made for himself, but finally, temporarily, back where he truly belongs. Follow Alison Willmore on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .

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REVIEW: Mark Wahlberg Steers Contraband Safely into Port

Assessing the Hollywood Remake Potential of Five Fantastic Fest Films

I’m not a huge supporter of remaking great foreign films; the trend runs from enticing (Fincher’s Girl with the Dragon Tattoo ) to unnecessary ( Let Me In ). But because it’s inevitable that Hollywood will keep borrowing ideas from the outside world — and since the aptly named Fantastic Fest played host to so many of them over the past week — here are five international offerings I could see studios attempting to re-envision. Let’s just hope they don’t muck it up.

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Assessing the Hollywood Remake Potential of Five Fantastic Fest Films

See Mark Wahlberg Return To a Life of Duct Tape-Assisted Crime in the Contraband Trailer

Did you guys realize that Mark Wahlberg and Kate Beckinsale were starring in a little heist movie called Contraband ? Me neither, but that’s probably because Universal has quietly scheduled the film, from Icelandic director Baltasar Kormákur, for a quiet box office death release next January. But we’re going to need something to watch during that winter wasteland month so let’s take a look and see if super-angry Mark Wahlberg, his abs, and and Kate Beckinsale undressing for the camera can’t motivate us to buy tickets.

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See Mark Wahlberg Return To a Life of Duct Tape-Assisted Crime in the Contraband Trailer

Weekend Forecast: Dog Days Trio Hopes to Stay Out of Hurricane Irene’s Way

While the weather forecast for much of the East Coast looks like a storyboard from Day After Tomorrow thanks to Hurricane Irene, the box office forecast is decidedly more calm. As summer continues to crawl toward Labor Day, three genre films hit theaters, all with the diminished expectations that come with their late August release dates. What movie will you probably ignore this weekend? To the forecast!

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Weekend Forecast: Dog Days Trio Hopes to Stay Out of Hurricane Irene’s Way

Watch Johnny Depp Breathe Fire and Undress Amber Heard in the Rum Diary Trailer

Hunter S. Thompson fans have been patiently waiting over a decade for The Rum Diary to reach the big screen. (In fact, the adaptation process, which began in 2000, was so frustrating that the author himself coined the phrase “waterhead fuckaround” to describe the slow studio proceedings.) But The Rum Diary is finally in the can with a fall release date thanks to English writer and director Bruce Robinson, Thompson’s long-time friend Johnny Depp and Depp’s production company Infinitum Nihil. Let’s take a look at the trailer!

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Watch Johnny Depp Breathe Fire and Undress Amber Heard in the Rum Diary Trailer

Are Scientologists Snatching Up LA’s Legendary KCET Building?

Scientopoly: America’s favorite real-life board game since 1954. In the newest chapter of L. Ron Hubbard’s real estate stampede, the Church of Scientology is reportedly considering the purchase of LA’ s KCET building on Sunset Boulevard. The television station split from PBS recently and hasn’t recovered from losing programs like Sesame Street and Charlie Rose . Now it’s facilities are in danger of being turned into one of Tom Cruise’s enlightenment obelisks. Ugh, Xenu! Enough!

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Are Scientologists Snatching Up LA’s Legendary KCET Building?

Lindsay Lohan Deemed ‘Unbankable’

Lindsay Lohan has been dumped from her latest movie project. The troubled star was axed from The Other Side because she is not “bankable”, according to TMZ.com. The movie, which also stars Woody Harrelson , Giovanni Ribisi and Alanis Morissette, is about a graduate student working on a deserted island. “Our team simply chose to move on from Lindsay and we’ll soon be announcing a replacement,” director David Michaels told TMZ.com. The website claims the film’s financiers did not believe they could rely on Lohan.

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Lindsay Lohan Deemed ‘Unbankable’

Lindsay Lohan: Under Police Watch, Axed From Film

Just when you think Lindsay Lohan’s week can’t get any worse, she somehow finds a way. Girl is nothing if not persistent … and usually sloshed. A day after sheriff’s deputies made a surprise visit to her place, Lindsay’s attorney confirmed that the LAPD also has the train wreck in its sights. Cops questioned Lohan after a friend’s $35,000 Rolex went missing at her home . Linds has been cooperative and as of now, she’s not a suspect. Still, she remains under close watch from authorities, who visited her the previous day amid allegations that Lindsay was corrupting Ali Lohan . Meanwhile, on the work front, things are going from bad to worse after Lindsay was axed from another movie because she’s “not bankable.” In related news, Heidi Montag’s body is “not natural.” UNRELIABLE : Movie studios want nothing to do with this . Lindsay Lohan was slated to star in The Other Side , a new movie also starring Woody Harrelson, Giovanni Ribisi, Dave Matthews and Alanis Morissette. It’s about a grad student working on a deserted island, which is basically where Lohan’s career is stranded after she was cut loose from the film. David Michaels, the writer/director, said that “Our team simply chose to move on from Lindsay and we’ll soon be announcing a replacement.” People financing the film were skittish about relying on Lindsay . Shocking. It’s unfortunate for Lindsay, who really needs to consolidate credit card debt and find a reliable source of income, that she’s viewed as a liability. Perhaps if she’d focus on acting instead of drunk Tweeting for five seconds, she might actually utilize what’s left of her once-considerable talent.

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Lindsay Lohan: Under Police Watch, Axed From Film