Tag Archives: slowest-news

What’s On: 24’s Real Eleventh Hour

It’s a tough night for fans of the two most dependable dramas of the decade, as 24 and Law & Order end their incredible runs this evening. We’ve buoyed those rather somber viewing options with lighthearted fare in case you’re not in the mood to close up your Kiefer Sutherland/Sam Waterston-themed hope chests just yet. Look: Frenchie’s leaving beauty school!

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What’s On: 24’s Real Eleventh Hour

From Conan’s Lips to Your Foyer

Here’s something fun for the slowest news day of the year! Ben Stiller is auctioning off an oversized wine glass that once touched the lips of Conan O’B rien during a classic Late Night remote shot in Napa Valley So far, 46 Coco fans have bid the item up to $1,125, and all proceeds will go to the Causecast Foundation. Also for sale: a signed Tropic Thunder swag bag , a Stillerstrong headband autographed by Tom Cruise and 4 V.I.P tickets to the Daily Show with Jon Stewart . [ eBay ]

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From Conan’s Lips to Your Foyer