Tag Archives: slowly-ripens

Dude Catchin’ Laptops in His Ass of the Day

In recent GLAAD complaints I figured I’d post something to lighten the mood and shit’s come in the form of a video of a dude catching laptops in his ass with his friends because I support homosexuality, especially when it involves fun and games in wrestling uniforms…it’s inspiring.

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Dude Catchin’ Laptops in His Ass of the Day

Elle Macpherson’s Got Sex Hair on Set of the Day

Elle Macpherson got a job on some Ashton Kutcher bullshit show about models because she used to be a model and I guess it was a natural fit, but not quite as natural as the unprotected sex she had to get from her tribal village in Tazmania into the the big modeling world back in the 80s, not that that happened, but I like to imagine all women with bone through their noses and one down their throat, if you know what I mean, which I hope you do, cuz I don’t have any idea what I mean, I am just distracted by my love for Elle Macpherson even as her beauty slowly ripens into a sloppy mess, it’s like we’ve got history or some shit, thanks to my jerking off to her for the first time back in ‘88, that was 20 years ago, and I could still get off to her, and not many pussies have that kind of longevity.

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Elle Macpherson’s Got Sex Hair on Set of the Day