Tag Archives: small-implants

Top 10 Selena Gomez Has Cleavage of the Day

#458265800 / gettyimages.com People are amazed that Selena Gomez has cleavage and that pretty much blows my fucking mind, seeing as she’s a girl with a bit of a body, you know not some anorexic dying model….and girls…have tits…even if they are small, with the right bra they get cleavage, and even if they are small implants…who gives a fuck…everyone has implants – they only cost 5,000 dollars…it’s not some secret or exclusive thing, and if you go to a strip club, you’ll know that some of the most gutter women in the world have implants…not to mention, she’s not even showing those “alleged” implants, she’s just showing cleavage, and it’s just cleavage, it’s not the 80s when people forget the braless 70s, and cleavage was enough to jerk off to…I mean this is the internet porn generation…who fucking cares…well I guess people into tits do, and that’s why I’m posting it…life as a pervert is so confusing. #458263368 / gettyimages.com #458261140 / gettyimages.com #458256020 / gettyimages.com #458256010 / gettyimages.com #458253146 / gettyimages.com HERE ARE THE REST OF THE PICS FROM THE EVENT CLICK HERE HERE SHE IS LEAVING STARBUCKS CLICK HERE

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Top 10 Selena Gomez Has Cleavage of the Day