Tag Archives: smell-angelic

Doutzen Kroes Topless of the Day

Doutzen Kroe is topless, in a thong and thankful that at 32, her husband hasn’t officially left her for all the other young hot girls who DJ slut out for him, because he’s a DJ….even though she quit Victoria’s Secret to tour with him, police him, and convince him it was for the kids to spend more time with their touring dad…at least that’s what she tells people…because no one wants to admit they were fired, especially not after being owned by the brand for what must have been a decade… That said, she’s a mom of two…and butt looks fine…I mean fine as in fine…not as in 90s Black Sitcom fine….because she’s a tall model who isn’t fat even if she’s old …she’s rich and well rested from not working… well taken care of…because she doesn’t want to give her man more reason to leave her….and she can afford all those fancy lotions and creams that make her asshole smell angelic despite what you’d assume is some USHER herpes…thanks to all the EDM loving DJ whores being fucking hot little dirty pussies….who don’t use condoms…since no one uses condom… The post Doutzen Kroes Topless of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Doutzen Kroes Topless of the Day