Tag Archives: smell-the-old

Coco’s Fat Ass in White of the Day

Coco is a fucking vision in white. When I see her in pictures I can almost smell the old semen dripping down her thigh after one of her johns gave her and extra 1000 dollars to let him cum inside her before Ice-T offered her marriage to work exclusively for him….the only thing I don’t understand is the level of confidence it must take for her to rock this outfit, I sure as hell hope she’s wearing a plastic grocery bag for protection, cuz when you’re this used up, you never know what the fuck’s gonna leak out of your ass and pussy…. Here she is in a walking the dog that should be walking her cuz she’s a dog situation, but people (black dudes) find her hot, so I guess I should to, since fitting in with the black folk has always been a priority to me…. Pics via Fame

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Coco’s Fat Ass in White of the Day