So I figure I should give Bridget Marquart a post after the whole Kendra Exposed scandal that’s going nuts…. You know how bitches are….catty as fuck…especially bitches who were competing for the attention of their boss/john Hugh Hefner…and the attention of America via their TV show and Playboy spreads…all while smiling at each other and pretending to be the best of friends in interviews while secretly looking in the mirror and wondering how their could even be a contest because they know they are the prettier one, except when their period hits, in which case they hate themselves for a week….and the whole business they are in makes them way more heightened, insecure, filled with daddy issues and self hate issues, like any stripper who snobs you out even though she thinks she’s fucking dirt on the inside and in turn self medicates…. While Kendra was strategic in releasing her sex tape from when she was 18, Bridget was strategic in getting fat, growing a cunt, and lowering her chances of being a high paid escort, but you’d be surprised how far celebrity will take you in the prostitution industry, cuz people are just happy fucking people they see on TV no matter how fat they got…. Word. Here are the Playboy Twins…Since we’re on the Playboy kick…. Pics via PacificCoastNews
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Bridget Marquardt’s Gunt Needs Some Love of the Day