Tag Archives: smith-covers

Sam Smith Covers Whitney Houston, Conquers the Internet

How will Sam Smith know if we really love him? Easy: he can just search the Internet. Nearly three decades after Whitney Houston released “How Will I Know,” the British singer/songwriter has covered the 1985 classic, giving it a soulful, stripped-down makeover for SiriusXM. Accompanied by a pianist and a guitarist, the 22-year-old has gone viral with his rendition because… well… it’s fantastic! Give it a look and a listen below and you’re bound to agree: Sam Smith Covers “How Will I Know” “Woah. My Whitney cover has had 817,055 views in 3 days!! Jeeeeheeeeezus,” Smith Tweeted in response to the insane reaction. His debut album, “In the Lonely Hour, was released in the United States on June 17. In other recent cover news, have you heard Pearl Jam singing Let It Go ? No, really! This actually happened!

Originally posted here:
Sam Smith Covers Whitney Houston, Conquers the Internet

Sam Smith Covers Whitney Houston, Conquers the Internet

How will Sam Smith know if we really love him? Easy: he can just search the Internet. Nearly three decades after Whitney Houston released “How Will I Know,” the British singer/songwriter has covered the 1985 classic, giving it a soulful, stripped-down makeover for SiriusXM. Accompanied by a pianist and a guitarist, the 22-year-old has gone viral with his rendition because… well… it’s fantastic! Give it a look and a listen below and you’re bound to agree: Sam Smith Covers “How Will I Know” “Woah. My Whitney cover has had 817,055 views in 3 days!! Jeeeeheeeeezus,” Smith Tweeted in response to the insane reaction. His debut album, “In the Lonely Hour, was released in the United States on June 17. In other recent cover news, have you heard Pearl Jam singing Let It Go ? No, really! This actually happened!

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Sam Smith Covers Whitney Houston, Conquers the Internet