Tag Archives: solemnly-swear

Hate Tau Hate: 16 Bigot Bros From Syracuse Fraternity Suspended Indefinitely For Racist Video

Image via Getty Syracuse University Suspends Racist Frat Members Indefinitely At some point the bill comes due and 16 slur spewin’ frat boys have just paid the tab. According to Refinery29 , Syracuse University has suspended 16 members of the Theta Tau fraternity for a racist video that we reported on earlier this year . In one scene of the video, a member was seen on his knees, fellating a beer can while saying: “I solemnly swear to always have hatred in my heart for n——, s—-, and most importantly the f***ing k—-.” While the frat has been permanently banned from campus, the students’ indefinite suspension will last at least until 2020 when they will all have to reapply after demonstrating gainful employment, academic progress, good citizenship, 160 hours of community service and a 12 page paper on diversity and inclusion. Seems very unlikely that any of the 16 boys will complete these tasks but we shall see. Despite this, there is always some d-bag who is willing to cape up for people who do racist things against minorities. In this case, FIRE, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: “When a university expels students for a private roast consisting of completely protected speech, it has no business pretending that it cares about free expression,” director Ari Cohn said in a statement. “Labeling this obvious satire ‘harassment’ makes light of the actual cases of serious harassment that colleges should be looking to combat, and wastes resources that could be used to investigate real offenses. Labeling it a ‘breach of the peace’ is just stupid.” Mmmm, white tears. Tasty.

The rest is here:
Hate Tau Hate: 16 Bigot Bros From Syracuse Fraternity Suspended Indefinitely For Racist Video


Look, we’ve run out of ways to make fun of tabloids and their utterly ridiculous coverage of celebrities such as Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. These magazines just concoct misleading cover stories based on randomly uttered words and photos taken out of context. To wit, see here . But this is the thing, readers: such fabrications only exist because you buy the publications. Its capitalism 101: supply does its best to meet demand. So let’s agree to eliminate demand, shall we? We’re staring at you, Twihards. DO NOT PURCHASE THIS MAGAZINE. Don’t allow these editors to laugh all the way to the bank over how they duped millions of people yet again… At THG, we solemnly swear to bring you every ounce of Robsten news out there… free of charge! We won’t report on any engagement until we see the ring for ourselves. Okay? Do we have a deal? You have the power to end tabloid abuse of this nature. Take full advantage of it today. Walk right by those newsstands and never look back.

See the article here: