Let me first say that Hailey Baldwin is a cute chick. She looks a little too much like her dad for me, but nonetheless cute. However, can fashion magazines stop using socialites or Instagram “models” for their publications? It’s awkward and as you can see from this shoot, Hailey cannot pull this crap off. Look at her!! Does she look like a f%cking fashion model? NO! Put her in a bikini or naked with her a$$ up in the air and that is all she is good for. Just like every other Instamodel. Women aren’t stupid. Enough already!!! » view all 13 photos
To funny .. #Repost @teamcurtainscom ・・・ That time #Beyonce interrupted #ChanceTheRapper backstage at the #VMAs! A video posted by freddyo (@freddyoart) on Aug 29, 2016 at 5:02am PDT People were in awe last night at Beyonce’s normalcy. She’s like that older sister or auntie that comes into town every now and again…and she’s just too cool.
Hi haters… Teyana Taylor Called “That Girl” In Kanye West’s “Fade” Video During last night’s VMAs viewers watched as Teyana Taylor showed off her RIDICULOUS body in Kanye West’s “Fade” video. Shortly thereafter several posts popped up from white publications who were absolutely perplexed about the identity of the singer and dubbed her “the girl” and a “My Super Sweet Sixteen” star… Fans then went HAM on the publications for either not paying attention to Teyana or for not asking black members of their staff for help identifying her. WELP, they definitely tried it. Do YOU think white publications should know who Teyana Taylor is??? More reactions on the flip.
Tonight, Kendall Jenner will no doubt hit the town to celebrate her 20th birthday . And if the latest rumors about her love life are to be believed, she’ll be joined by the new dude in her life, rookie Los Angeles Lakers guard D’Angelo Russell. Russell only has a few games under his belt, and they’ve all been losses (He plays for the freakin’ Lakers, after all.), so he should probably be focused on basketball at the moment, but insiders claim he just couldn’t resist the allure of Kendall. Sources say Kendall has been in attendance , cheering D’Angelo on at both Lakers home games so far, which is probably a nice alternative to the angry leer of Jack Nicholson that greets most rookies when they look into the crowd. “One person who definitely took notice of the romance rumors is D’Angelo’s teammate Kobe,” a source tells Hollywood Life. “He has been teasing the rookie about it, saying he’s already gone Hollywood. “Kobe really gives him a hard time saying he better worry more about being a professional basketball player than becoming a reality star. It’s playful hazing, but you know Kobe really wants him focused on the team and not Kendall.” View Slideshow: Kendall Jenner Instagram Photos: A Racy Rundown We don’t think of Kobe as the “playful hazing” type but if that’s what D’Angelo has to tell himself, we say go for it. Sources say Kobe’s not alone, and other players have warned D’Angelo of the ” Kardashian curse ” that’s thrown many a male celeb off his game. We’re sure Russell doesn’t want to do anything to jeopardize his career, but at the same time, he gets to see Kendall Jenner naked , so even if we winds up a sad, bench-warming national punchline, we’re guessing it’ll all be worth it. View Slideshow: 38 Wildly Inappropriate Photos of Kendall Jenner
Kendall Jenner turns 20 years old today. And it’s safe to say a whole lot has changed in the life of this model/reality star in the past year, starting with the evolution of her Instagram page: View Slideshow: Kendall Jenner Instagram Photos: A Racy Rundown It may seem hard to believe, but Jenner was once a cute, innocent teenager who just shared photos of herself smiling with friends. More often than not these days, her social media account is instead filled with racy bikini or lingerie pictures. Or pictures of Kendall shilling for her latest brand, as the model is an official spokeswoman for such global companies as Calvin Klein, signing with the world famous apparel maker in March. Here’s a look at images she’s posed for on behalf of Calvin Klein since then: View Slideshow: Kendall Jenner Calvin Klein Ads Moreover, since turning 19, Jenner has followed in the promotional footsteps of older half-sister Kim Kardashian . Simply put, the young lady is EVERYwhere. Quick… name a magazine! Kendall has likely covered it. Credit her manager/mother. Credit her strong worth ethic. Credit a public who has a mysterious hunger for all things Kardashian and Jenner, but take a look here at all the publications that have featured Kendall in the last year or so alone: View Slideshow: Kendall Jenner Magazine Covers: She’s Everywhere! In the end, however, we do give props to Kendall for excelling in the competitive world of modeling. She has said many times that she doesn’t want to use her last name to help her get ahead and she does seem intent on making a real career out of this industry, as opposed to just sitting back and taking her clothes off online. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t sit back and often take her clothes off online. Jenner can still be relied upon to pose in an inappropriate manner (she’s still not even old enough to drink yet, remember) in order to goose her social media numbers. So, in honor of Kendall’s 20th birthday, we present below far more than just 20 examples of the burgeoning superstar showing us her racy side on the Internet. Click. Drool. And send Kendall your very best birthday wishes now! View Slideshow: 38 Wildly Inappropriate Photos of Kendall Jenner
A defiant Dr. Mehmet Oz addressed a group of Columbia University doctors who are calling for him to resign while taping his namesake show on Tuesday. A preview for The Dr. Oz Show slated to air on Thursday was released by show producers on Tuesday night, and the TV doctor makes zero apologies. Dr. Oz – We Will Not Be Silenced “This month, we celebrate my one thousandth show,” Oz, 54, says in the preview. “I know I’ve irritated some potential allies in our quest to make America healthy. “No matter our disagreements, freedom of speech is the most fundamental right we have as Americans. And these 10 doctors are trying to silence that right.” “So I vow to you right here and right now: we will not be silenced, we will not give in.” His critics wrote a letter to Columbia challenging whether Oz, a cardiothoracic surgeon who holds a vice chair spot at the school, should be a faculty member. Their list of complaints about him is not short. The group’s letter reads: “We are surprised and dismayed that Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons would permit Dr. Mehmet Oz to occupy a faculty appointment.” “Let alone a senior administrative position in the Department of Surgery.” “As described here and here, as well as in other publications, Dr. Oz has repeatedly shown disdain for science and for evidence-based medicine.” Furthermore, the group of critics alleges, Dr. Oz exhibits “baseless and relentless opposition to the genetic engineering of food crops.” “Worst of all, he has manifested an egregious lack of integrity by promoting quack treatments and cures in the interest of personal financial gain.” Ouch. A spokesperson for the Dr. Oz Show told CNN that two thirds of the episode this Thursday will be devoted to rebutting these doctors’ claims. Stay tuned. View Slideshow: 11 Fast Food Menu Items That No Longer Exist
Lady Gaga is not a fan of excessive Photoshop on her magazine photos. She makes this very clear in the new issue of Glamour , which she covers. At Glamour’s 2013 Women of the Year Awards, the December cover girl accepted her award with a sharp critique of Glamour ‘s Lady Gaga photos . Speaking at Carnegie Hall, Lady Gaga said that, like fellow honoree Malala Yousafzai , she was going to use her voice to speak up about her cover. “I felt my skin looked too perfect. I felt my hair looked too soft,” said the star of the images. “I do not look like this when I wake up in the morning.” Speaking slowly and carefully, Gaga made it clear that the way covers like this are tweaked and smoothed can have damaging effects on readers. She urged young people to “fight back against the forces that say you have to be beautiful,” and called for the publications themselves to change: “It is fair to write about the change in magazines. But what I want to see is the change on covers… When the covers change, that’s when culture changes.” It’s a theme that’s becoming more and more common lately, in response to airbrushing techniques that seem to be getting more and more overt. Some say the idealization of unrealistic female bodies, in particular, can be problematic for today’s youth – and that image doctoring is a primary culprit. Gaga’s outspoken critique of the overuse of photoshop (as we saw in a great video starring Sally Gifford Piper ), is a bold move, by any measure. Especially given that the superstar was receiving an award from the very magazine she was critiquing, her point was even more vivid and noteworthy. Lady Gaga’s overarching message, though, was more broad and abstract – pro-acceptance, particularly of people’s quirks, tastes and appearances. What do you think? Will stars like Gaga speaking out against airbrushing make a difference? And is there even a difference that needs to be made? Share your comments with THG below …
A Desoto County,MS judge has issued an arrest warrant for Rapper ‘Tim Dog’ who is supposed to be dead. Tim Dog, or Timothy Blair, was convicted of swindling a Southhaven women in 2011, but it was reported he died in February. Hernando Prosecutor Steven Jubera says if Tim Dog is alive, he’s pulling of the greatest scam ever in the history of hip hop. And if he’s alive, he’s also going to jail. “I need proof,” said Jubera. Proof is not easy to get when it comes to Blair. “Come to New York and see who gets robbed,” says his lyrics. Tim was known in the 90s for his song about Compton and more recently for his swindling ways. “I believe he was so angry that he had to pay me back,” said Victim Esther Pilgrim, who lost money to Blair after meeting him on an online dating site. Pilgrim, who fought to get Blair convicted, now believes Tim Dog’s pulling off his biggest scam yet. “This is amusing to him, she said. Pilgrim believes the rapper, reported dead in February, is really alive. The prosecutor who convicted him, agrees. “I need proof,” said Jubera. “I need a death certificate showing that’s he’s dead because as far as I’m concerned, he’s alive.” Jubera, with the Desoto County DA’s Office, filed a petition with a judge Tuesday To have Tim Dog’s probation revoked. The rapper was supposed to be making monthly payments to the courts after being convicted of grand larceny, but stopped paying when he was reported “dead.” Information about his death, however, is lacking in Rolling Stone Magazine and other publications that reported it. “Nobody said where he died, nobody said where he was buried, which is very odd for an obituary,” he said. In fact, even one of Tim Dog’s closest hip hop colleagues Ced Gee tells News Channel 3 that he refused to speak at Blair’s funeral because Tim Dog’s family could not produce a death certificate. Ced Gee believes after that, the funeral never happened. News Channel 3 also used a private investigator, who found no death records anywhere for Timothy Blair. If he’s alive, investigators say they plan to find him. “At the bare minimum he would get arrested and sit in jail until his court hearing,” said Jubera. The rapper owes $19 thousand in restitution to Pilgrim. Prosecutor Jubera says he will drop the arrest warrant, if Tim Dog’s family members can come forward and show proof of his death. youtube Continue reading →
With her soulful contralto, Adele was born to sing a Bond theme song. She delivers with “Skyfall,” produced by regular collaborator Paul Epworth, and released yesterday on James Bond’s 50th birthday . That should be a relief to music lovers and Bond fans alike, but just how much musical DNA does Adele’s “Skyfall” share in common with the best Bond themes to date? At some point in the mid ’70s, Bond theme songs lost their way. I blame Carly Simon. “Nobody Does it Better,” which she sang for 1977’s The Spy Who Loved Me , is a perfectly good pop ballad — it was Simon’s greatest hit, after all — but it was not a Bond song. It broke all the traditions: its title was different from the movie’s, it was in a major key, and it made no musical allusions to the composer behind the unmistakable 007 sound, John Barry. As if in apology, producers brought back Goldfinger and Diamonds are Forever songstress Shirley Bassey for the next movie, Moonraker , but the rekindling was all too brief. After that, there was a string of songs that sounded like ’80s sitcom theme songs. Seriously, listen to Sheena Easton’s “For Your Eyes Only” and imagine it playing over Three’s Company –style opening credits, with scenes of Bond walking into MI6’s office and throwing his hat onto the coat rack while Ms. Moneypenny rolls her eyes and smiles. Same with “ Octopussy .” Just think of what “Thunderball”’s Tom Jones could have done with that title. MGM and Albert Broccoli seemed to come to their senses after realizing what a mistake they’d made entrusting the theme song for The Living Daylights to A-Ha. They took a step in the right direction with the next one, Gladys Knight’s “License to Kill,” which opens with a direct quote of the opening motif from “Goldfinger.” In 1996, with “Goldeneye,” Tina Turner did with the music what Pierce Brosnan did with the character and helped rescue the entire franchise. Since then, the only real crime against 007 tradition was Madonna’s disjointed dance number for Die Another Day . Adele’s “Skyfall” is the most classic Bond theme since the classic Bond themes. The song may not be as infectiously hummable as some of Adele’s other hits, like “Rolling in the Deep,” but it fits perfectly within the James Bond tradition. Breaking the song down to its constitution elements, we can see how it compares to its predecessors: Voice You can’t listen to this song and not immediately think of Shirley Bassey, though Adele throws in a little more melisma. C-minor key More than three quarters of James Bond songs are in a minor key. The only other one in C-minor, however, was Garbage’s “The World is Not Enough. ” Dr. No references Peppered throughout the song are echoes of the original instrumental theme John Barry wrote for Dr. No , including the unmistakable four-note riff here played by the electric guitar 1 minute 50 seconds in, and the distinctive, sixties-sounding final chord (a minor ninth, if you’re curious), which is the same chord that concludes the Dr. No theme. Instrumentation Like Carly Simon’s “Nobody Does it Better,” the song begins simply, with vocals over piano. But then the strings, electric guitar, and John Barry–esque horn blasts kick in, bringing to mind the Sean Connery–era Bond themes. Thankfully, “Skyfall” did away with the tambourine. Melody The rising fifth in the hook (“… let the sky fall”) is reminiscent of “Goldfinger,” “Diamonds Are Forever,” and “The World is Not Enough,” which all have same interval in the main melody. Also like “The World is Not Enough” and Sheryl Crowe’s “Tomorrow Never Dies,” the verse ends on a suspended fourth chord. Tempo: ca. 78 bpm Practically the same as “License to Kill.” Lyrics This song does a better job of integrating the title into the lyrics than many of its predecessors, although Adele has to break the nonsensical title into two words. Carly Simon simply plopped the words “The spy who loved me” into an otherwise boilerplate love song, and Chris Cornell didn’t even bother including “Casino Royale” into his theme song , “You Know My Name.” Adele’s repetition of the title at the end of the song makes me think of what Tom Jones did with “Thunderball” and Tina Turner did with “Goldeneye.” Anything else? How much deeper can we go in overanalyzing this? Let me know in the comments. Julian Sancton is a writer based in Manhattan. He has contributed to Vanity Fair, Esquire and Playboy, among other publications. Follow Julian Sancton on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .
Fox News. The Los Angeles Times. The New York Times. The Wall Street Journal. These are just a few of the publications that have jumped on the media bandwagon, singing all praises to the controversial new book: “Is Marriage for White People? How the African American Marriage Decline Affects Everyone.” Penned by an African-American professor of law at Stanford University, Ralph Richard Banks uses his book to recommend succinctly that successful black women look outside the black race to marry. He suggests that this is a far better road to take than “marrying down,” or remaining alone. Citing many personal observations and analyzes of relationship data, Banks makes the case that there is no reason for highly successful black women to remain dedicated to the black man. In fact, he argues that many of the social ills in African-American society can be ameliorated by high-earning black women “marrying out,” thereby creating more stable two-parent homes for black children. (Click Here to Continue)