Tag Archives: cover-stories

Desperate Housewives to Feature 12-Year-Old Mom

Teen moms are so hot right now, but what about preteen moms? Perhaps we’ll soon find out on Desperate Housewives , now that the show has cast Nancy Travis and John Schneider as the parents to new resident himbo Brian Austin Green, despite the fact that Travis and Schneider are only twelve and thirteen years older than their onscreen son, respectively. Will this season’s mystery involve time travel and Life & Style cover stories? [ EW ]

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Desperate Housewives to Feature 12-Year-Old Mom


Look, we’ve run out of ways to make fun of tabloids and their utterly ridiculous coverage of celebrities such as Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. These magazines just concoct misleading cover stories based on randomly uttered words and photos taken out of context. To wit, see here . But this is the thing, readers: such fabrications only exist because you buy the publications. Its capitalism 101: supply does its best to meet demand. So let’s agree to eliminate demand, shall we? We’re staring at you, Twihards. DO NOT PURCHASE THIS MAGAZINE. Don’t allow these editors to laugh all the way to the bank over how they duped millions of people yet again… At THG, we solemnly swear to bring you every ounce of Robsten news out there… free of charge! We won’t report on any engagement until we see the ring for ourselves. Okay? Do we have a deal? You have the power to end tabloid abuse of this nature. Take full advantage of it today. Walk right by those newsstands and never look back.

See the article here: