Tag Archives: someone-getting

The Game Claims Meek Mill & His Crew Jumped Beanie Sigel

Looks like The Game and Meek Mill beef finally led to someone getting hands put on them. This weekend Meek Mill and his Dreamchasers crew took to the streets to layeth the smacketh down on someone and unfortunately, and allegedly, it was Philadelphia’s own Beanie Sigel who caught the universal.  Continue

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The Game Claims Meek Mill & His Crew Jumped Beanie Sigel

Rihanna’s Paddle Boarding Erotica of the Day

I say this everyday, and I will say it again, because I like to think it’s becoming my trademark on my site, and that is that a day is not a day unless Rihanna posts some slutty bikini pics…sometimes but limited to while she’s smoking weed…all ass popped out, blunt in mouth, wet bottomed on a paddle board…because Rihanna knows how to stay relevant in her downtime…her friend…not so much…but luckily she’s there to just make Rihanna’s hard nipples better… This is far better than the time I tried to take my wife paddle boarding and we sank. All this to say, she could just kick it privately, but instead chooses this…I guess once a whore always a whore…she can’t not be getting praised by people to feel validated…which is a great premise to someone getting into porn…unfortunately in Rihanna’s case, this is as porny as she gets for now…but I believe it will all crash and burn one day!

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Rihanna’s Paddle Boarding Erotica of the Day

Shots Fired…Chris Breezy Goes In On His Management On Twitter, “They Got Me Looking Crazy”

Chris just said fawk it. People better get their ish together or someone getting fired. Get them together Breezy.

The rest is here:
Shots Fired…Chris Breezy Goes In On His Management On Twitter, “They Got Me Looking Crazy”

Fox News Gets Chuckle Out Of Homeless Guy’s Exploding Tazer Hit

Ah, yes: always good for laughs is someone getting tazed and then spontaneously combusting into flames. Okay, maybe not hysterical, but Fox News anchors still can’t not giggle at the guy’s mugshot, and then, make a joke about keyboard cleaner. As the story goes, some sadly insane homeless man was being crazy, and cops tazed him, and he burst into flames

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Fox News Gets Chuckle Out Of Homeless Guy’s Exploding Tazer Hit