Tag Archives: sorry-scranton

Happy 25th Birthday, Adele!

The numbers most often associated with Adele will likely always be 19 and 21 due to her best-selling albums, and her once-in-a-generation vocal talents. But let’s all focus on 25 today instead, shall we? That’s her age. It’s Adele’s birthday, people! The singer’s 2011 was one of the best years ever for a musician, and her 2012 was also notable for a very different reason. Adele gave birth to a baby boy. She and partner Simon Konecki are basking in romantic and parental bliss, with music taking a back seat for the time being, and for that, we commend her. It’s not like she’s gone from the music scene altogether, either. She added her name to the list of 2013 Oscar winners with her James Bond hit “Skyfall.” We wish her the happiest of birthdays!

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Happy 25th Birthday, Adele!

Rainn Wilson Misses Flight, EVISCERATES U.S. Airways on Twitter

Rainn Wilson is not happy. The man who has delighted us with The Office quotes for nine seasons as Dwight K. Schrute has now provided some classic one-liners of a different note. Rainn took to Twitter Friday to go absolutely go off on U.S. Airways after he and six other cast members missed their connecting flight to Scranton, Pa. This happened after it left before the scheduled departure time. One could say that the airline – in honor of Adele’s birthday today – set fire to the Rainn. “So ‪@USAirways just screwed me & half the cast of The Office ,” he wrote. “Conctng flight left BEFORE departure time. Sorry Scranton won’t see u til tom.” ‬ And he wasn’t even close to finished. “I’m going to REALLY enjoy trying to convince 3.5 million twinions not to fly ‪@USAirways b/c of their sh-tty service,” the 47-year-old actor went on. “We’re being forced to rent cars and drive to Scranton from Philly. Does the CEO of ‪@USAirways want to join us? I will fondle him angrily.” ‬‬ And still, he wasn’t close to done. “The plane was a 20 seater, missing 7 people who had obviously just landed & it leaves 10 minutes EARLY! ‪@USAirways,” Wilson Tweeted, incredulously. “I’m going to take a dump on a ‪@USAirways plane’s windshield.” “In the shape of the ‪@Delta logo.”‬‬‬ For what it’s worth, Rainn did get there by Saturday. He posted a photo on Instagram of a fan’s tattoo of his face on her foot writing, “Only in Scranton.” According to WDBJ-TV, thousands attended the show’s wrap party in the hardscrabble Pennsylvania city that is home to the show’s paper company. Scranton held a parade, street festival and farewell celebration in honor of Rainn and his co-stars, which is so cool that not even US Airways could ruin it.

See the original post:
Rainn Wilson Misses Flight, EVISCERATES U.S. Airways on Twitter