Tag Archives: sound-racist

‘Big Brother’ Bigots: WASPy Wilmas Complain About Their “Ghetto” Suntans That Make Them Look Like Black Castmate [Video]

Image via Getty ‘Big Brother’ Contestants Recorded Making Comments That Sound Racist The nerve of these hoes . While off camera during a filming of reality competition show Big Brother two white cast members were recorded complaining about how their suntans made them look “ghetto” and Black like one of their African-American cast mates. Rachel Swindler and Angela Rummans were named as the two bigoted Beckies who saw absolutely nothing wrong with what they were saying. Bayleigh Dayton is the Black cast member who they were referring to according to TMZ . “I know. I’m looking ghetto here with the skin coloration.” Rachel continues to gripe that she can’t be in the sun for more than two days, otherwise she would “change ethnicities.” Yikes … Flip the page to see the video. Continue reading

Nicki Minaj “Alleged” Nudes of the Day

These pics could be of any light skin black girl… I don’t want to sound racist or anything – like this isn’t an all black girls look the same – because obviously – if you get in line at walmart and cross reference this pic – you’ll know that’s a lie the KKK are perpetuating. No not all black people are Denzel Washington – not even Bill Cosby… I don’t know who these pics are…because she cropped her head and identifiers out of the pic – like a smart girl taking pics of loads on her tits… The rumor is that it is Nicki, but my anaconda just can’t be sure…partially because I’ve seen so many naked people in my life – in person, and it pics – they all kind of look the same… Maybe I have low testosterone. We’ll see if the lawyers send a takedown notice…we’ll know it’s her for sure…

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Nicki Minaj “Alleged” Nudes of the Day

"Not to Sound Racist, but…"


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I just finally found out about this meme that’s been running around for the last month or so: “Shit Girls Say,” which started as a surprisingly spot-on Twitter feed . It’s really just a list of sentences that are often spoken by women . (Samples: “I hate the word ‘moist'” and “Are we in a fight?” and “Lindsay, Matt’s girlfriend, or Lindsay from yoga?”) Simple, and somehow effective as shit at making… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Slog Discovery Date : 04/01/2012 11:34 Number of articles : 2

"Not to Sound Racist, but…"

Orange You Glad You See Ashley Tisdale

I’m not usually that into orange chicks, Lindsay Lohan is pretty good I guess, but I kinda like these pictures of Ashley Tisdale . The white little dress really make her orange legs pop. Here she is out the other night with some douche celebrating whatever it is orange people celebrate instead of Christmas. I didn’t mean for that to sound racist, I’m just not all that familiar with orange peoples customs and traditions around the holidays. Why is this chick on my site again?