Tag Archives: southern-woman

The Paperboy Trailer: Zac Efron in His Underwear!

The Paperboy debuted at the Cannes Film Festival and is based on the true story of a southern woman who falls in love with a convicted killer. It stars a very impressive cast of Nicole Kidman, John Cusack and Matthew McConaughey and it deals with some serious issues. But it also features Zac Efron in his underwear! Forgive us, but that’s our main takeaway from the following trailer, as the former High School Musical actor sheds his teen image by slow-dancing with Kidman… in a pair of tighty-whities. Seriously, this is what we call breaking movie news . Watch for yourself:

Reese Witherspoon is a Dumpy Mom of 12 of the Day

No matter how much this pig worksout, she’ll always be a fucking pig. I don’t get it. Maybe she should lay off the dairy products, or the deep south where she’s from fried foods. Maybe she should stop putting her faith in Jesus like the good Mormon or whatever the fuck she pretends to be, all going to church all the time, despite living her life filled with divorce and sex out of wedlock…..She’s hollywood trash playing wholesome southern woman, who if in fact was a wholesome southern woman, she wouldn’t be in Hollywood….. So here she is in workout clothes looking dumpy as shit, confusing all of us, but expecting her to blame it on getting run over a few weeks ago, cuz that’s just what fat women do…they make excuses….

Reese Witherspoon is a Dumpy Mom of 12 of the Day