Tag Archives: despite-living

Kylie Jenner Misses Summer of the Day

Kylie Jenner is probably 12 years old…but she posted a picture saying she misses summer…despite living in LA…and probably being in Hawaii or Mexico or the Caribbean with the rest of the rich world…cuz that’s just what spoiled brats who are being trained to be attention whores do…you see in most families parents fear their kids producing masturbation fodder for perverts but for the Kardashians…that’s what makes them rich and relevant….and I’ll buy into it…because I am as brain washed when it comes to the mainstream as all of you….not to mention teen bikinis are the guilty pleasure of all resort poolside/ocean side vacations at whatever level of luxury you’re at….naughty naughty…good thing you don’t have to worry about Santa’s judging since all that nonsense is done for the year…

Originally posted here:
Kylie Jenner Misses Summer of the Day

Reese Witherspoon is a Dumpy Mom of 12 of the Day

No matter how much this pig worksout, she’ll always be a fucking pig. I don’t get it. Maybe she should lay off the dairy products, or the deep south where she’s from fried foods. Maybe she should stop putting her faith in Jesus like the good Mormon or whatever the fuck she pretends to be, all going to church all the time, despite living her life filled with divorce and sex out of wedlock…..She’s hollywood trash playing wholesome southern woman, who if in fact was a wholesome southern woman, she wouldn’t be in Hollywood….. So here she is in workout clothes looking dumpy as shit, confusing all of us, but expecting her to blame it on getting run over a few weeks ago, cuz that’s just what fat women do…they make excuses….

Reese Witherspoon is a Dumpy Mom of 12 of the Day

Britney Spears in Some Shorts of the Day

When Britney Spears dresses like this, it makes part of me wants to clean the K-Fed damage out of her vagaina with my mouth, there’s just something about her that I can’t get enough of, even when she’s dragged thru the fucking gutter and broken the fuck down, I really get these urges to insert a few fingers in her and pick her up, brush her off and make a puppet out of her, but that’s probably because I can’t smell her thru my computer, but kinda wish I could…. Pics via INFphoto

See the article here:
Britney Spears in Some Shorts of the Day

David Letterman Scandal of the DAy

David Letterman, Scandal My computer and internet connection is running like shit, I wanted to remind you assholes that I am not dead, I am just poor and can’t afford any solid tools needed to run this shit, and really it doesnt take that much to run, that’s just how hurting I am. Anyway, the Letterman shit is funny, he handled it pretty amazing, despite living my life in a deny til you die situation, but Letterman came clean, since when you come clean you get can’t get extorted. The most interesting thing in all this is the Letterman sex tape with Paul…

Continued here:
David Letterman Scandal of the DAy