Tag Archives: speaks-on-josh

Karrueche Tran to Chris Brown: Grow the F–k Up and Move On!

In light of the recent blowup over her bikini pic, Karrueche Tran has just about had it with Chris Brown’s possessiveness and his crew’s behavior. If you missed this recent Karrueche Tran bikini pic … Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn! It resulted in one of Chris’ posse issuing a death threat to Marques Houston, who publicly stated his support for Tran’s booty. Houston received a photo of two automatic guns. “Ni**as sho no how to disrespect, I don’t care if they not still together,” wrote Brown’s goon, implicitly (or incoherently) stating to step off or be offed . Kae thinks it’s time for Breezy, and his friends, to get the f–k over it , saying, “I’m bored and tried of this situation. I don’t get it because I’m single.” “I thought we have all matured and moved on.” Apparently she forgot who she’s dealing with. Karrueche dumped Chris Brown after she learned he fathered a child, Royalty, with Nia Guzman and didn’t think to mention this for over a year. She found out the same time we did. Awkward. Noting that “Chris has been seen with multiple women since the breakup,” Tran says, “I don’t want anything to do with any violence or negativity.” Karrueche also says that beyond the fact that Brown and his crew are hypocritical, unstable a– clowns … she Marques are just friends, so there. The R&B star has been radio silent since the death threat, though he did give an interview in which he bragged about having a #1 hit while in jail . Thug life.

Excerpt from:
Karrueche Tran to Chris Brown: Grow the F–k Up and Move On!

Jessa Duggar Speaks on Josh Duggar Scandals: Keep Your Focus and Trust God!

Jessa Duggar, like the rest of her family, is reeling from back to back mega-scandals involving her brother Josh, but says nothing can shake her faith. “You just have to keep your focus and trust God,” Jessa, 22, said Saturday afternoon at the Southern Women’s Show in Charlotte, N.C. Despite protesters at her speaking engagement , Mrs. Ben Seewald was there promoting her book Growing Up Duggar: It’s all About Relationships . “You have to stay true to yourself and your foundation,” Jessa’s husband Ben, 20, added when asked how his family has coped with the scandals. Since Josh admitted to past “wrongdoing” – molesting Jessa, Jill Duggar and other siblings – his victims have been among his vocal supporters. It’s unclear if their feelings have changed now that they know about Josh Duggar’s double life of online dating, porn and rough sex with strippers. That probably didn’t go over well, we’re guessing. Jessa and Ben weren’t asked about Josh in such blunt terms, and are not likely to publicly sell him out, even after he torpedoed a mini-TV empire. View Slideshow: Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald Photos For now, they are focused on preparations. For their first child’s arrival, that is; #BabySeewald is due in just two months, on the couple’s first wedding anniversary, November 1, in fact. Jessa and Ben have opted not reveal the sex of their baby prior to its birth, though an ultrasound pic fueled rumors that Jessa is expecting twins . As for the people who flocked to Jessa’s event this weekend? Despite Josh’s behavior, they remain supportive of his younger sister. “I just had to come back today to give Jessa a hug,” Joli Anne Osgood of Concord, N.C., told People of coming to see her in person. “My heart breaks for his family, they are paying the price for one person’s mistakes. I feel they are all being criticized and persecuted.” “Parents can do everything right and kids can still make mistakes … we are all just people. We are human and we make mistakes.” View Slideshow: Jessa Duggar Baby Bump Pics: 1 & Counting!

Read the rest here:
Jessa Duggar Speaks on Josh Duggar Scandals: Keep Your Focus and Trust God!