Below is a gallery of teachers who had improper sexual relationships with students and subsequently got arrested by local law enforcement. This sort of thing somehow happens with surprising regularity, as evidenced by the fact that you're even reading this right now. One would think that the case of Alexandria Vera getting pregnant by a 13-year-old would be a rare thing, but … not particularly. See below. And below and below and below … 1. Shelley Dufresne and Rachel Respess Shelley Dufresne (right), 32, and Rachel Respess (left), 24, are accused of having sex with an underage high school student … together. At the same time. 2. Brianne Altice Brianne Altice, an English teacher at a reputable Utah high school, was arrested for having sex with at least one of her students. 3. Kelly Burgess UK drama teacher Kelly Burgess, 26, is charged with four counts of sexual activity with a boy between the age of 13 and 17. 4. Megan Crafton Megan Crafton, 22, a cheerleading coach, was arrested after performing oral sex on a high school student. Damn, girl. 5. Sarah Jones Sarah Jones, a former NFL cheerleader for the Bengals turned teacher, was arrested for having sexual relations with a student. 6. Malia Brooks Malia Brooks – a 32-year old teacher at Garden Grove Elementary School in Simi Valley, California – was arrested on charges that she conducted multiple sex act with a minor. View Slideshow
So here’s something you probably never thought you’d hear: Mike Pence is just like all of us! Well, at least our future vice president has one thing in common with us, and that’s the fact that he was super excited to go see the insanely popular musical, Hamilton. Yes, last night, Mike Pence, Donald Trump’s right-hand man and generally terrible human being, went to see American’s most beloved musical. What could possibly go wrong? So many things. So. Many. When Pence was ushered to his seat, he was heartily booed — one audience member says that people “spent a full minute booing him before she show could start.” And really, that seems tame. Remember that Pence is a key part Trump’s dream team of racist, homophobic, entirely bigoted government officials . We’re surprised they let him come at all. But this is a free country, for now, anyway, so Mike was able to watch the show, along with his wife and some Secret Service fellas. When it was over, he tried to head out real quick, probably to avoid more booing, but before he made it out the door, the cast called him out directly. And what happened next was absolutely magical. Hamilton Cast Delivers Speech to Mike Pence Actor Brandon Victor Dixon, the man who plays Aaron Burr, delivered a speech directly to Pence. “I see you walking out,” Dixon told him, “but I hope you will hear us.” When the audience began booing again, he stopped them, saying, “There’s nothing to boo here, we’re all sharing a story of love.” “We welcome you,” he told Pence, “and we truly thank you for joining us here at Hamilton: An American Musical — we really do.” “We are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir.” “But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values, and work on behalf of all of us.” He finished his speech with “We truly thank you for sharing this show, this wonderful American story told by a diverse group of men and women of different colors, creeds and orientations.” What beautiful words, right? And if they sound a little like something Lin-Manuel Miranda, the show’s creator, would say, then that’s because he helped write them. Miranda, along with Hamilton’s director, Tommy Kail, and producer Jeffrey Seller wrote the speech, along with the cast, when they learned that afternoon that Pence would be attending the show. Seller explained that they all “felt that we must express our feelings” to Pence, because “this is not a normal time, this is not a normal election. This has not been a normal result.” He said that “As a cast comprised of minorities, women, gay people, it was necessary” to express their feelings. Lin-Manuel Miranda tweeted his appreciation of the speech, writing “Proud of @HamiltonMusical. Proud of @BrandonVDixon, for leading with love. And proud to remind you that ALL are welcome at the theater.” As you can see in the video, the cast didn’t express any hate at all towards Pence, and they really did seem sincere in thanking him for coming to see the show. But still, Donald Trump himself took offense. Surprise! “Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing,” he tweeted. “This should not happen!” “The Theater must always be a safe and special place. The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!” So Trump looks at a calm, thoughtful, respectful expression of a different opinion than his, and he sees harassment that requires an apology. Let’s all just listen to the Hamilton soundtrack for the next four years and just try to survive. View Slideshow: 13 Celebrities Who Donald Trump Probably Wants to Deport
Britney Spears really is back, bitches … and her brand-new video for Slumber Party is the hottest thing since Toxic . In Britney's new video , which has been viewed almost six million times in its first 24 hours, is hot beyond hot. And when we say “hot,” we don't mean just hot … we mean HAHT. HAWT. HAAAAAAAAHT. In the nearly x-rated music video — we can dream, right? — Britney looks the best she's ever looked. She's tight, she's toned, her dancing is spot-on … and that weird vacant look seems to have evaporated from her gaze. Things are looking up, and we mean that both metaphorically and literally. The video revolves around a party, featuring a bevy of scantily-clad figures, but none better-looking than that belonging to Britney, and ends up in a racy slumber party event. Tinashe was also there, somewhere, and we're pretty sure it's the other chick in the pic above with Brit, but we haven't looked hard enough to really confirm it. Eventually, the two begin making out, and oh goodness our eyes; our blessed eyes — they've not seen such glory in … well, perhaps ever. After sealing the deal with Tinashe, Brit makes her way onto her next victim — an extremely hot male guest. A Britney Spears threesome ? Who knows. Everybody at this point is in various states of undress, and it's so hot it hurts . Check out the Britney Spears video that everybody's talking about … you don't wanna miss out on this , that's for certain.