Tag Archives: spooky-bread

Calm Down: White Celebrities Who Think Black People Looove Them

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Source: Eugene Gologursky / Getty Every now and then, a White person comes along that the Black delegation will usher in as honorary brethren. This person can be referred to as someone “invited to the cookout,” an “honorary brother/sister,” or a White person who “gets a pass.” However, when these non-melinated phenomenons happen, it’s important to remember two things. First off, the Black delegation is always changing and multifaceted depending on where you live, who you hang out with and the things you’re into. Secondly, there’s a difference between Black people “loving” a White person and “loooving” a White person. Loving a White person usually means you love their style, their music or some aspect about their personality (see: Justin Timberlake , Robin Thicke ), but you’re still able to hold them accountable when they fall short on topics like racism, the nuances of the N-word (don’t say it!), or how they season their potato salad. In contrast, loooving a White person is a borderline toxic form of love where you’ll let a White person get away with almost anything because they’re so “hip,” “cool,” or overall talented. White people make a huge mistake when they think Black people looove them. Alec Baldwin recently made this mistake in an interview with   The Hollywood Reporter  when he said, “Ever since I played Trump, Black people love me. They love me. Everywhere I go, Black people go crazy. I think it’s because they’re most afraid of Trump.” No, no, no Baldwin. First off, to my earlier point, these Black people who “love” you might be of a different delegation than other Black delegations. To be frank, I can’t think of an entire time in my life when Alec Baldwin came up in a conversation amongst Black friends. Many on Black Twitter seemed to agree: i for real don't think i've ever talked to another black person about alec baldwin. https://t.co/b6UC5LeMoR — Spooky Bread Terry (@SlimiHendrix) October 10, 2018 We had one of our big Black bar-b-ques in Wakanda last night, and we couldn't stop talking about how much we Blacks just loves us some Alec Baldwin https://t.co/hoxuRYzMg9 — Tariq Nasheed (@tariqnasheed) October 10, 2018 Its been hours and I'm still unsure of where to begin the list of ways Alec Baldwin got us fucked up. https://t.co/8ZCPcQ62Y0 — Sylvia Obell (@SylviaObell) October 10, 2018 To my second point, just because there’s Black people who “love” Alec Baldwin doesn’t mean they “looove” Alec Baldwin. Will these Black people put their neck on the line for Alec Baldwin if he messes up? I’ll wait.   At the end of the day, White people should just refrain from saying Black people “love” them, even if that White person has contributed something of value to a Black person’s life. On top of this, White people should never assume that just because Black people support them, it gives them the right to say or do whatever they want in regards to a whole community. Alec Baldwin isn’t the first White person to be feeling himself a little too much. Hit the next pages to check out other White folks who need to calm down before they start speaking for an entire community.

Calm Down: White Celebrities Who Think Black People Looove Them