Robin Williams tragically committed suicide on Monday morning and, also tragically, some of the reaction to that event has made us question our faith in humanity. Take Todd Bridges and Shephard Smith, both of whom referred to Williams as a selfish coward . Or take any number of anonymous Internet trolls, who actually forced Zelda Williams to quit social media because they are such terrible human beings. Fortunately, there have also been a number of positive tributes to Williams, such as this one from Jimmy Fallon – and also the following subtle one by sports anchor Zach Klein, who rattles off TWENTY-THREE references to Williams and his movies in a two-minute segment. Can you catch each one? Sports Anchor Honors Robin Williams Pretty creative and impressive, right? We continue to keep the friends and family members of Robin Williams in our thoughts. 21 Memorable Robin Williams Quotes 1. That You May Contribute a Verse What will YOUR verse be?
You won’t believe this, but Rush Limbaugh is very unhappy with the liberal media. On Tuesday, in response to Robin Williams’ suicide , Limbaugh focused on the actor’s political affiliation and seemed to imply that Williams killed himself largely because he was a Democrat. “What is the left’s worldview in general?” the radio host asked. “If you had to attach not a philosophy but an attitude to a leftist worldview, it’s one of pessimism and darkness, sadness. “They’re never happy, are they? They’re always angry about something. No matter what they get, they’re always angry.” Rush Limbaugh Responds to Robin Williams Suicide Limbaugh then pointed to three actor friends of Williams’ who had died young and said that the Oscar winner could never get over “the guilt that they died and he didn’t.” The conservative blowhard came under fire for these comments, but Limbaugh didn’t back down today on his program. Instead, he blame the media for twisting his words all around. Said Limbaugh: “All of these low-rent, despicable, irresponsible, pathetic, so-called media watchdogs on the left are trying to make it sound like I said that Robin Williams gave up because he was a liberal and is hopelessly doomed to misery and despair because that’s what liberals are devoted to.” But Limbaugh insists his original remarks were focused on the way Williams’ death was being covered, as opposed to the death itself. “What I did yesterday was express some real concern over the fact that they’re glorifying this,” Limbaugh said of the media. “I was worried about the coverage of all this leading to copycats.” Robin Williams: His Most Memorable Roles 1. Mork (Mork & Mindy) The role that started it all. Robin Williams starred as an alien on the late 1970s sitcom Mork & Mindy. Another conservative commentator, Shepard Smith, apologized after he implied on air that Williams was a coward for committing suicide. Meanwhile, this awesome sports anchor found a different way to react to the tragedy: Sports Anchor Honors Robin Williams