Tag Archives: staged-or-owned

Reese Witherspoon Bikinis in Hawaii of the Day

Here is the opposite of a bikini bridge …where a mom of 10 and her chubby alcoholic pushing 40 folds hang over the spot where the bridge is supposed to happen…making it less about the bikini…and more about the tidal wave of fat that’s been sent to take out the bridge like it was a natural disaster…we’re talking a Tsunami…when the very thing the bridge is designed to cover and transport you safely from point a to point b…retaliates and takes out the bridge…living it just fragments of fabric people in the future will find and wonder what was once there… Pretty horrible…but I’m still looking…this bitch needs some special effects to look better than her doughy self looks… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Reese Witherspoon Bikinis in Hawaii of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence does W Magazine of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence generally doesn’t interest me…I don’t find her hot, I don’t like her body, I don’t care that she’s an Oscar winner, because I feel the Oscars, if not staged or owned by the major studios are definitely not really legit, unbiased, or manipulated by how charismatic or friendly the actress is outside of her movie roles. You know being the cute, funny, not really worrying about looking weird and awkward girl Jennifer Lawrence seems to be…. But these pics for W magazine…are kinda hot…in a Roman Polanski – my wife just got killed, I am polish, you are 14, drink this wine and take these pills and get in the tub kinda way…. She looks good, not that I am impressed in any way, I don’t get impressed, I just don’t mind looking at these…probably cuz they look like they were shot on film and not an instagram filter…

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Jennifer Lawrence does W Magazine of the Day