Tag Archives: staring-down

New Breaking Dawn Photos: Jacob vs. Rosalie! Bella’s Wedding Day! More!

The newly-released Breaking Dawn poster ? Kinda hot. The just -released slew of new Breaking Dawn photos? Totally and completely awesome! In the following photo montage, courtesy of Summit Entertainment, we bear witness to: Jacob staring down Rosalie, Edward and Bella cuddling up on their honeymoon, Edward in a speedboat, Bella in ecstasy and the pre-wedding preparation for what the Breaking Dawn trailer dubs “the event that will change everything.” Click on each image below for a larger version…

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New Breaking Dawn Photos: Jacob vs. Rosalie! Bella’s Wedding Day! More!

Ron Jeremy — Sheen ‘Totally Sober’ at Playboy Party

Filed under: Charlie Sheen , Ron Jeremy , Playboy Despite staring down temptation that could break the strongest of men … Charlie Sheen did not fall off the wagon at a Playboy mansion party this weekend — so says, Sheen’s XXX wingman Ron Jeremy . TMZ spoke to the Hedgehog who tells us Charlie — who… Read more

Ron Jeremy — Sheen ‘Totally Sober’ at Playboy Party