Before his second broken engagement with Bristol Palin in as many years, there were whispers that Levi Johnston was planning a new reality show with her. Those rumors were half true. Bristol will be nowhere insight, but the former Playgirl cover model will soon be starring in a new show entitled Loving Levi: The Road to the Mayor’s Office . The premise: Levi Johnston is running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska – the post famously held by Bristol’s mother, Sarah Palin, before she became Governor! No word if Brittani Senser will help him campaign, but it looks like his for office is actually happening. Executive producer Canaan Rubin says in a statement: “The docu-soap will follow the ever controversial, headline making, matinee idol, handsome father of one as he embarks on a run for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.” “It will chronicle a ‘no-holds-barred’ period in Levi’s tumultuous life; co-raising his son Tripp, looking for love, and taking care of business for fellow Wasillians.” “He will give us a real inside look into who he is as a father, a skilled hunter, an avid dirt biker, and of course his journey down the road of small town politics.” ” Levi Johnston thinks he can take the office by representing the real citizens of Wasilla.” The statement ends: “If elected, Levi promises to serve his full term.” That’s a shot at Sarah Palin, who resigned Alaska Governor last summer to become a professional celebrity. Tank Jones will serve as Levi’s campaign manager. Shooting is underway: “They shot pre-production on the pilot today on Rodeo Drive [in Beverly Hills].” Ooh, the real Wasillans aren’t gonna like that one bit . Would you elect Levi Johnston mayor?
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Levi Johnston to Run For Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska; Reality Show to Document Campaign