These days, Chelsea Houska, Teen Mom 2's greatest treasure, is a mother to two precious kids: her daughter, Aubree, and little baby Watson. And all three of them, along with Chelsea's husband, Cole DeBoer, are just as cute as cute can be. As we've seen on the show, Chelsea and Aubree have always been super close, and when Cole joined the family, he really stepped up as a father figure to Aubree. But back in January, Watson entered the picture. And as we learn in this new sneak peek for the upcoming season of Teen Mom 2, his birth changed things up quite a bit. In the clip, we see Chelsea cruising around with Aubree and Watson in the backseat, and she tells Aubree that she needs to talk to her. “Your attitude has been so bad lately and so negative, and I don't even understand why,” she says. “Why do you think you've been so, like, crabby?” “Maybe I'm just tired sometimes but I don't feel it,” Aubree suggests. At that Chelsea says that maybe she should try taking some naps, “because I don't even know what to do. Why did you just start thinking that you don't have to listen anymore?” Precious little Aubree starts to shut down, but then Chelsea says that “I think things changed after Watson was born . That's when you started being crabby.” And it all makes sense, doesn't it? Aubree was Chelsea's only child for a very long time, so jealousy would be a totally normal thing when Watson came along, right? Wrong, actually. “It's just because that he's so cute and when I have to go to bed you guys get to be with him and I have to be trying to go to sleep,” she explains. “You get to have fun with him while I'm just sleeping and bored.” So she's not jealous of her new little brother, she's jealous that Chelsea and Cole get to stay up with him while she has to go to bed? If that's not the sweetest thing we've ever heard … After that, Chelsea launches in to the classic “you're the kid, we're the parents, so you have to listen to us” speech, and Aubree agrees that she has to start listening more. But still, this may be one of the cutest Teen Mom 2 clips of all time. See Chelsea and Aubree's darling conversation in the video below:
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Chelsea Houska: Is Her Daughter Too Jealous of Her New Baby?!