Tag Archives: step brothers

Who Scored Big in Week 17 of SNL’s Relevancy Poll?

This week was the most difficult Saturday Night Live relevancy poll of the season to tabulate. No one cast member dominated the airtime, and with few exceptions, the cast was spread pretty thin throughout the evening. Put it this way: At one point I was thinking, Wow, Abby Elliott is getting a lot of play this week; it sure will be nice to see her finally near the top of the poll. But that faded as it became clear that pretty much everyone got a significant amount of play this week.

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Who Scored Big in Week 17 of SNL’s Relevancy Poll?

Mars Needs Ticket Buyers: 9 of the Biggest Box Office Bombs in Hollywood History

Let’s hear it for Mars Needs Moms ! The Robert Zemeckis-produced animated film crashed into the uncanny valley over the weekend with an estimated gross of just $6.8 million — which would be bad enough if Moms didn’t cost Disney a reported $150 million to make. ( Replacing Seth Green’s voice costs Benjamins , yo.) With Mars Needs Moms well on its way to becoming one of the biggest Hollywood debacles ever, what better time to remember some of Hollywood’s other biggest debacles? Ahead, nine of the worst bombs to ever detonate at a theater near you.

See the rest here:
Mars Needs Ticket Buyers: 9 of the Biggest Box Office Bombs in Hollywood History

Tribeca Announces A Good Old Fashioned Orgy, Ozzy Osbourne Doc; Not the Same Film

The hits just keep on coming at the Tribeca Film Festival. Just one week after announcing the competition slate for the April fest , organizers unveiled the 33 films selected as Spotlight presentations, and the list looks pretty cool. God Bless Ozzy Osbourne will have its world premiere at Tribeca, as too will A Good Old Fashioned Orgy (starring Jason Sudeikis) and Carol Channing: Larger Than Life . Tribeca will also show Vera Farmiga’s directorial debut Higher Ground and the latest from Michael Winterbottom. Click ahead for the full list of films.

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Tribeca Announces A Good Old Fashioned Orgy, Ozzy Osbourne Doc; Not the Same Film

Today in Irrational Hollywood Horrors: Fear of Charlie Rose

“The first time he went on the show, promoting Step Brothers , he had a panic attack and started to shake visibly. ‘People are, like, “Oh, my God, are you all right? Do you have Parkinson’s?” You think no one will notice and then you read the comments online, and people are genuinely worried, or, worse, they’re making fun of you.'” Best wishes to Adam McKay in swiftly curing his Charlie Rose jitters; Hollywood’s best celebrity therapist seems to help. [ The New Yorker ]

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Today in Irrational Hollywood Horrors: Fear of Charlie Rose