As we near the release of the iPhone 5, we’re seeing more and more concepts of what the new device could look like. But I don’t think I’ve seen one quite as lust-worthy as this one from San Francisco based Aatma Studio. Not only is it a super slick vision of what the iPhone 5 Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Next Web Discovery Date : 24/08/2011 20:32 Number of articles : 3
Steve Chabot , a Republican Congressman from Ohio, recently had Police seize Private Citizen’s personal video cameras in an attempt to prevent “an embarrassing You Tube moment” . (The Police claim it was to protect the I.D. of the constituents according to Info Wars .) I don’t care if the audience was full of Think Progress, Communist stooges, No Politician has the right to seize Private Citizens’… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : P/Oed Patriot Discovery Date : 24/08/2011 23:00 Number of articles : 2