Tag Archives: still-damaged

Pregnant Doutzen Kroes of the Day

Wanna know one thing I like better than seeing a pregnant model… seeing a not pregnant model. That’s all I have to say about that, no wait, I have a rant brewing up inside me, and that rant is that if bitch wants to get pregnant, she might as well retire. She made a decision to commit her life to being half naked for money, and now she’s gone on to get knocked up, but twice by a brother who you know cheats on her, I mean he’s a touring DJ and the non-mom models groupies probably want a piece of him… Not that it matters… What matters is that, when you commit to becoming famous for being half naked, you need to put your personal life aside, and you need to trap your men in other ways, like say, by being a fucking babe, instead of by polluting your uterus… Even though, you know she will bounce back from this, and look better than most moms, reminding the world that fat moms are just lazy and making excuses, like part of some secret society of cake eaters… She’s still damaged fucking goods, and for that brands should protest her…seriously…

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Pregnant Doutzen Kroes of the Day

Pregnant Doutzen Kroes of the Day

Wanna know one thing I like better than seeing a pregnant model… seeing a not pregnant model. That’s all I have to say about that, no wait, I have a rant brewing up inside me, and that rant is that if bitch wants to get pregnant, she might as well retire. She made a decision to commit her life to being half naked for money, and now she’s gone on to get knocked up, but twice by a brother who you know cheats on her, I mean he’s a touring DJ and the non-mom models groupies probably want a piece of him… Not that it matters… What matters is that, when you commit to becoming famous for being half naked, you need to put your personal life aside, and you need to trap your men in other ways, like say, by being a fucking babe, instead of by polluting your uterus… Even though, you know she will bounce back from this, and look better than most moms, reminding the world that fat moms are just lazy and making excuses, like part of some secret society of cake eaters… She’s still damaged fucking goods, and for that brands should protest her…seriously…

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Pregnant Doutzen Kroes of the Day