Tag Archives: still-headed

Holly Madison Debuts Baby Rainbow!

The name may be unusual. But the face is downright adorable! A couple weeks after giving birth to daughter Rainbow , Holly Madison has introduced the world to her first child via an In Touch Weekly picture spread. “Just holding her is so much fun,” Madison tells the tabloid. “Even the delivery was easy – I was actually laughing as I was pushing. I had an epidural, so it was fun. She made it easy on me.” Holly also says that she and Pasquale Rotella have plans to expand their new family. “We want Rainbow to have lots of brothers and sisters. I’d love to have six!” Madison says, aiming very high. For more cute photos and a lot more from the former centerfold, pick up the latest issue of In Touch .

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Holly Madison Debuts Baby Rainbow!

Miley Cyrus Engagement Ring: It’s Back!

Miley Cyrus is yet to directly address rumors of a Liam Hemsworth split , but the singer has posted two new photos on Twitter that appear to make the point on their own. Ignore that adorable onesie for a moment and check out Miley’s left ring finger, folks. Yes, that’s a 3.5 carat engagement ring. Adding fuel to the break up fire for Cyrus and Hemsworth had been that Miley was spotted out this month without her engagement ring . But the star claimed it was simply in for repairs – and she looks to have been telling the truth. Will this photo put to bed talk that Miley and Liam are not still headed to the altar? We doubt it. But maybe it will lead to more celebrities posing in onesies. Those things are pretty darn cute.

See the rest here:
Miley Cyrus Engagement Ring: It’s Back!